New Grower Washing after harvest

Feb 5, 2016
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I was trying to search about info on washing buds after harvest. Pretty sure I seen something on here a while back can't seem to find it.

Does anyone do it and what is the method seen all different ways looking for a simple solution.


I was trying to search about info on washing buds after harvest. Pretty sure I seen something on here a while back can't seem to find it.

Does anyone do it and what is the method seen all different ways looking for a simple solution.

what like turning it into shatter???
what like turning it into shatter???'re gonna have to clarify what you mean by "washing" the buds. If you're trying to make concentrates there are a bunch of videos on youtube and a ton of threads here. If you mean literally washing them with water...I don't know why anyone would do such a thing. Unless you mean water curing, which is the only reason I've ever heard of introducing water to bud after harvest.
As I remain unclear on inserting links to other canna-forums the following is a copy and paste of a post by user Doc Bud, elsewhere in the canna-verse (-;

If it's OK to post link I'd gladly do so.

"Let's say I grew lettuce, cucumbers, tomatos and carrots in my basement. It's dusty down there, I've got fans flowing all around....battled with some PM, had some mites.....every now and then I get some rot or other disease on my plants....bugs flying around, dead skin cells, hair.....and I spray the plants with compost tea, fish fertilizer, kelp meal, etc.

So, you wanna come over for a salad? We'll just pull the veggies out of the ground, plop 'em in a bowl and start eating! No need to wash.....right?

The first time you wash your harvest and see all that brown crap left behind you'll begin to see the light! Then, when you smoke your first washed harvest, you'll understand.

For those who are new to this, here's my method:

4 buckets total. (5 gallon buckets are perfect)

Bucket 1: 3 parts RO water to 1 part 3% H202.
Bucket 2: 5 gallons of RO with 1 cup baking soda, 1 cup Lemon Juice
Buckets 3 and 4: RO only.

Cut down plants, pull off fan leaves by hand, remove any necrotic leaves. Leave sugar leaves and anything with frosting on the plant.

Fully submerge in bucket 1 (H2O2) for 30 seconds. Submerge for a full minute if you had ANY sign of PM or bud rot. Let water drip from buds and then.....

Fully submerge in buckets 2 through 4 for 30 seconds each...lightly agitating the whole time.

Allow produce to drip dry. You can blow a fan on it if you like, just make sure it's blowing clean air.

Hang and dry per usual.

Final manicure of buds is best done after they dry. It goes very fast and you're left with washed, highly resinous trim....makes superb joints. I'm also educating my customers to select untrimmed buds, which are actually better than the manicured ones because they still have sugar leaves attached. The trichomes in the leaves have more THC than those in the it's good to get the whole spectrum in there.

I give instructions for this in my journals, as I do it every single week, on every single harvest. Once you try it, you'll never go back.

This works so well for a couple reasons:

1. takes off dirt, foliar sprays, bugs, fiberglass dust, etc.
2. fully hydrates the leaves, allowing photosynthesis to occur for a day or two on cut and trimmed buds. I recommend leaving a light on the buds for the first day or two after washing.

This results in very, dense, clean burning, smooth tasting produce! That's the basic recipe....and I'm tweaking and changing it all the time.

Warning: Do NOT use an "organic produce wash" that is based on oils! They sell these in grocery stores and health food stores, and while they might be good for lettuce and cukes....the oil removes resin from the plants.....don't use it!

Water will not harm resin....oil can and does."
I fought with PM prior to harvest of my outdoor grow.
I kept it at bay pretty well though I did find possible evidence rot in a couple buds.

So I washed the crop as outlined in the above post.
I couldn't discern a difference in taste as opposed to unwashed bud nor did I see a difference in the plants potency.

I experienced no negative effect from the washing.

The water in the first two tubs was UGLY with stuff other than plant material! I'm talking nasty ass grit and grime and oily shit and.....

And for what it's worth here is a vid of Jorge washing for PM;
I didn't think sorry @olderthandirt got it.

I gave that a read but I was wondering if there was other ways, could I get away with using just water?
The thread that post is from is pretty long and contains a lot of discussion regarding the mechanics of the H2O2 and baking soda and lemon juice and the discussion goes all over the board.

Consensus that I'm able to garner from the discussions is that the use of anything along with the water is only a consideration if you've had battles with PM and such.
Aside from that water only baths will still knock a tremendous amount of debris off. Without knocking off trichomes (-:

A lot off talk regarding different temperature water.
Warm to very warm for the first bath, cooler to cold for the second and all other combinations you might come up with.

I used water from the garden hose. It was cold.
I gots me some good looking, good smellin' good tokin' bud put away in jars now.
I gots me some good looking, good smellin' good tokin' bud finishing up their time in brown bags just now as well.
Good to know will be doing it soon.

How do you go about drying in bags after it? Just put them in or let them hang to dry a bjt first
After the wash the buds be heavy with water.
I shake each branch to get the bulk of the water off and then hang the branches to dry.
I had a box fan on a slow speed keeping the air moving. The stuff pictured below hung for a little bit over 24 hours until it felt like buds from a plant rather than a bathtub (-;
Final trim and into the brown bags. It's been 4 days in the bags now for this batch, it'll go into jars tonight or tomorrow for their cure
