New Grower Waiting on flowers

Apr 19, 2016
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I hope this is the right forum for this. I have been growing a huge sativa in a 2x4x5 tent for about 112 days now. It is a Flash Number One Super Auto. She has monopolized the tent for a long time and I have put a lot of effort in to this grow. I am still working on my first successful indoor grow. I am growing DWC with AN nutrients and have a Mars Reflector 144 led at 18/6. She has been flowering for several weeks now and is up to two liters of food per day. The problem is, her blooms are not filling out. Should I be concerned? Is there anything that I can give her or do to help? Thanks. You guys are great!

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I hope this is the right forum for this. I have been growing a huge sativa in a 2x4x5 tent for about 112 days now. It is a Flash Number One Super Auto. She has monopolized the tent for a long time and I have put a lot of effort in to this grow. I am still working on my first successful indoor grow. I am growing DWC with AN nutrients and have a Mars Reflector 144 led at 18/6. She has been flowering for several weeks now and is up to two liters of food per day. The problem is, her blooms are not filling out. Should I be concerned? Is there anything that I can give her or do to help? Thanks. You guys are great!

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Stitch super autos are not autos, u need to change the lights to 12/12
I will do that. Herbies has them listed in their auto section. I really appreciate your help!
I suggest looking up grow reviews before purchasing seeds it will save you some headaches down the road. 112 days you still have another 30days at least if they where real autos they would have been done 30-40 days ago
I suggest looking up grow reviews before purchasing seeds it will save you some headaches down the road. 112 days you still have another 30days at least if they where real autos they would have been done 30-40 days ago
Thanks. They were actually free seeds, but I was anxious to grow sativa. I had to bend her 90 degrees when she was a sprig to get her to fit in the tent. Thanks again for your response!
They seem somewhat "heat tired" as well. Looks like elongated flowering to me.
The temps are normally around eighty degrees. I have a humidifier in the tent that will affect the heat when operating. Is there anything you can do about elongated flowering? Thanks
The temps are normally around eighty degrees. I have a humidifier in the tent that will affect the heat when operating. Is there anything you can do about elongated flowering? Thanks

Just ride it out and see how well they grow. I just tossed a photoperiod that was suppose to be an auto and it had elongated buds (heat, light too close to plant, jump start 12/12) and they were very sticky and full of sugar. I would have liked to have seen it's end result, but didn't have the time nor anywhere near the headroom it required.
Just ride it out and see how well they grow. I just tossed a photoperiod that was suppose to be an auto and it had elongated buds (heat, light too close to plant, jump start 12/12) and they were very sticky and full of sugar. I would have liked to have seen it's end result, but didn't have the time nor anywhere near the headroom it required.
Thanks for your help. As I mentioned, I am looking for my first 'successful' inside grow. I had four OG Kush that I had to take out of the tent because they were way too tall. Finally had to dispose of three of them because they weren't flowering. They were seeds that were left over from my outside grows and I just assumed they were autos. Turned out they were photos. When I grew outside, I didn't really care. I just ordered some Heavyweight Massive Midgets for the next grow which I'm growing in autopots. I am going to take Magic's advice and do my research on grow reviews from now on. That is one of the many values of this forum. Thanks again.