Week 10-ish update :smoking:
Well, it's a bit of good news, bad news here this time,... all are doing OK, and it looks like bloom has started on a few, and the rest not far behind!

this is a
very nice sign, compared to last years odd delay,... Vertical growth/stretch has slowed way down now relatively speaking,... good lateral development continues! I've done some branch tying, opening things up and the response has been great! Of the lot Cannalope Haze is biggest, and the least troubled, and she looks close to starting bloom-- Impressive, given she's nearly pure Sativa! Crystal Candy and Think Fast are for sure starting bloom, lots of pistils showing tucked into those tips,.... The others are looking very close too, Psico' nearly there,...So that's what's good,...

Annoying: aphids have been the worst ever, but the last few days, there's been fewer and fewer, so I hope this is the trend now that's well over due this late in the season,..
..Bad news: most all of the plants are showing some sort of nutritional issues/defc.s',... and have lower fans that are getting tapped into way to soon and hard! I don't get it-- all have some sort of tip burn happening, which started a couple-few weeks ago, making me think the Tabs were really getting broken down hard and fast,.. Then the fan leaf fade started,...This, despite the recent additional feeds and supp's: a PK tea round, some Orgatrex, Boom-Boom foliars, a hit with GO Biothrive 4-3-3, foliars with Ca/micros,...(Ca defc.,

S! the damn water is 200ppm)... The Zn looking defc. on CC is not going away, even with Transport/micronutes foliars! WTF?? This utterly stumps me,..

-- given what this has done for such issues in the past,... pics will show what I mean,... the defc./trouble pics are week old too now, things are generally a bit worse,... OH, the pH has been just fine with all!
--- Crystal Candy: tops showing this, which is hallmark immobile nute defc. symptom, looks like Zn to me, but it totally unaffected by soil and foliar treatments,...

.... also showing very minor Ca defc. on a few leaves, tip burn,...
--- Canna' Haze: minor tip burn, a few pale edges on leaves, fairly minimal fan fade,...
--- Think Fast: showing the droops for weeks now-

... progressing to overall paleness + too much fan fade; minor tip burn,... growth slammed to a stop ,...
--- Psico': hit pretty hard with what looks to be Ca defc.,... new growth looking better, progression slowing,...
--- Mephisto girl: tip burn, edge paling here and there, suspect Ca spotting,..
--- Atomic: faring well, just some tip burn, minimal fan fade so far,...
--- PTW: overall paleness (long persistence, might be just how she is..?), fan fade,....

I do NOT know what to make of this, it's contrary in some ways,...organics shouldn't burn like that,... and still, even with that, there are fans fading too??

.... oh well, onto the update pics regardless,....
>>> Atomic-->
>>. Cannalope Haze-->
>>> Crystal Candy-->