Nutrients Waira's next photo' op' with Biotabs!

I saw the garden beasties! :vibe: :jawdrop: ---- foooock dude, you're gonna die come harvest time! :help: :haha: The Atomic looks fantastic from your recent staking,... TF is saying "...what B defc.?" :greenthumb:I'll be by later to eye hump those beauties,... :hump:

I have two is a whip style wet trimmer similar to trimpro units(have some parts to make it). Fallback plan is a tumble trimmer for dry. Hope i get another preflower girls starting soon!! Dont want a double down plant harvest again this season!!
Oh yeah...been scouring all around for actinovate and cant find anywhere in was legalized for use here in 2013, but i cant find a source...still looking
:headbang: Week 8 quickie Update :coffee:

:vibe: The girls are busting branches out big time now, and their shapes are forming up! I'm starting some branch tying on a few,... They all got a nice foliar of pure neem oil the other day, mainly for the other benefits it gives the plants, aside from the pest whacking... which is still a good one! I had aphids falling face-first off the plants today- :pimphand: :rofl: ... fewer showing as well, from the funky aroma it has I think,... leaves a nice satiny sheen too! ... spotted some old 3-finger leaves showing defc. symptoms, N and P maybe? nothing noteworthy, just kinda odd,... so my butt clenched anyway I gave them a hit of bat-poo HPK (0-4-3).... might be time for another round of Boom-Boom foliar too soon,... A couple still show some light tip burn, and the CC is showing some odd minor symptoms at the tops, maybe Zn defc.? So, it's getting the Optic Foliar Transport/ Earth Juice Microblast treatment!.... we'll see if that's what it is,...
... love what I'm seeing at the growth tips! very dense stacking, so I think bloom will kick in before too long, hoping mid Aug.,... :woohoo1:

>>> Atomic-->

>> Crystal Candy-->

>> Cannalope Haze-->

>> Sour Bubble/Chem. D' x AOG-->

>>> Psicodelicia- lookin' way sexy to me!

>> Purple TrainWreck-->

>>> Think Fast- going beast mode :eek1: -->
GS, what do you see on Amazon? I think, it might not be sold anymore as is..? but I see it out there in the US online,... I'll recheck local stores too,... depending on post costs, might be worth it to send you some if I can find it at stores!
The plants are ALL just stunningly beautiful. But I can't help noting that you're quick to diagnose issues and amend with various supplemental remedies. That's not surprising given your skill set in this area. The question in my mind is .... how far can/do you go with a "Biotabs only" program. Is your tweaking only for the Master Canna-chemist? Can the average Joe-Grower achieve outstanding success by using just the Biotabs exclusively? Seems to me like deficiencies of one sort of another are a fairly routine fact of life - and require the grower's intervention to avert disappointment if not outright disaster.
The plants are ALL just stunningly beautiful. But I can't help noting that you're quick to diagnose issues and amend with various supplemental remedies. That's not surprising given your skill set in this area. The question in my mind is .... how far can/do you go with a "Biotabs only" program. Is your tweaking only for the Master Canna-chemist? Can the average Joe-Grower achieve outstanding success by using just the Biotabs exclusively? Seems to me like deficiencies of one sort of another are a fairly routine fact of life - and require the grower's intervention to avert disappointment if not outright disaster.

In my humble opinion biotabs are the perfect answer for the "average Joe" grower. I have now ran maybe 5-6 plants with tabs. First few runs exclusively biotabs without any supplements and more recently courtesy of @Biotabs F69 i have supplimented with boom boom spray and PK Tee. I have yet to see and major defs and have not seen any detrimental effects in growth or yield.

Just my 2p but these take alot of thinking out of growing.
In my humble opinion biotabs are the perfect answer for the "average Joe" grower. I have now ran maybe 5-6 plants with tabs. First few runs exclusively biotabs without any supplements and more recently courtesy of @Biotabs F69 i have supplimented with boom boom spray and PK Tee. I have yet to see and major defs and have not seen any detrimental effects in growth or yield.

Just my 2p but these take alot of thinking out of growing.
Thanks for the encouragement. Just found your Biotabz+Mephisto Genetics=BioGenetics thread, and will be reading it thru ASAP. Please tag me in for any other current or future grow journals. Thx.
:cheers: Thanks my friend, I now grow impatient for buds! :coffee:.... Mmmm, you will enjoy the hell out of GP and AG, Mr. K'... Sweet has several other outstanding F1FV versions too,... Cream Mandrine is a AFN all-time favorite, stunning resin production and aromatics,.. the SAD will hit on point for your old school Indica hash-plant needs, very spicy-hashy aroma, gummy bud, and wonderful night-time high,...:greenthumb:

:toke: @Only1Sky -- thank you as well brudda! Yes, I'm quick to diagnose,... I'm the Infirmary guy here after all- :eyebrows:... I'm not running this as an official test mate, and I use my usual supplements (see first posting) because they help facilitate everything the organic nutes do, aid in better uptake, and help fend off potential problems before they start,.. many defc, issues begin and hinder the plant well before you see any outward symptoms,... As Biotabs are new to me, I cover my ass first when I'm in unfamiliar territory,.. also, last season was a near shit-show using this crap KindSoil (a "super soil" water only deal as well) , losing it's P sourcing way too early and fucking up my bud quality! P defc. will show in lousy initial bud set, poor density, smaller clusters of bracts, well before the necrotic patches show on the leaves, and they did later :cuss:... once this goes tits-up, it's near impossible to fix, and I was only partly successful; I had to flog them with synthetic high PK nutes to try and speed stuff in there! ... So, I have healthy skepticism of any "water only" system,... but having Mephisto sing Biotabs' gospels is as good an endorsement as you can get! Also, in only 10gal pots, how well the Biotabs last vs. size of the plants is an unknown to me,... I'm sure the plants would finish at least decently with just tabs only, better with PK tea, but I want max phatness on my bud, so I include these other supplements, and any nutrient boosting I think will help cover bases and improve budding! We push our plants beyond what they would do naturally, right?-- and to do this, we need to give them the biochemical tools and materials to do this, as well as the best possible environment,... smaller pot size like this with such systems is something of a gamble, no telling how big the plants will get, and how fast they will deplete their nute sourcing in there,... all variables that must be addressed as they grow in real time! I do have two that are showing minor tip burn as well, part of the variable tolerances between strains most likely, and how fast the tabs are breaking down and releasing the goods,... The suspect Zn defc. isn't solidly confirmed yet, but again, some plants vary in their needs, uptake, reactions,... I had two plants, same strain in the same pot last year, and one suffered from Zn/Fe defc. for weeks starting about 3 weeks in, her sister was fine throughout,... it took the Transport/Microblast foliar to finally fix it (check out the Optic Foliar section, I have a thread there showing how well this worked-amazing!).... So, could be this isn't any issue with the Tabs at all, just a quirk of this plant,... but I'll jump on it nonetheless! ..... So, to further answer your question, for example, a UK mate did the tabs only and got decent results, but I could tell more P-K would have made better bud (she was in Autopots),.. but the aromatics were her best ever! And the minimal effort put in was almost silly! Such low time investment in care, and getting good results (if not "optimal") is indeed a big deal for some folks, and I believe Biotabs is as solid as they get for this, barring you making your own TLO soils... that is a soil science degree alone right there!
.... here's the bottom leaves I saw on a few plants that showed defc. symptoms, no big deal at all, but duly noted just the same,...

>>> Nabz', what's good man? :pass:.... I'll try to get to our other Biotabs brethren like you and Sky here soon! ...I can't keep up these days, and worse, we lost some Infirmary help recently,.. and the place has been crazy this year- :doh: :help:... time just runs out on me! :rofl:
Hey @Waira, that was one awesome response you gave me on the Biotabs-Only question. Lots of sage advise and opinion to consider. :thanks::thanks: You confirm my thinking on this. By the way, your photos of the bottom leaves looks like what's creeping up and thru my younger Sweet Tooth (50 days old) -- and her buds are nothing stellar worth writing home about. This morning I gave her Autopot a top-feed shot of high-nitrogen content Cal-Mag (from AN) -- 'cause WTF, its the hammer I've got so I'm thinking the problem might be a nail. LOL.

I'll definitely check out the Optic Foliar section and your thread on Transport/Microblast foliar. :thumbsup:

Like you, I figured that with so many glowing recommendations (including Mephisto), I'd have to be crazy not to give the TABS a serious try. But ... I refuse to ride in a self-driving car without a skilled driver with hands on wheel and eyes on the road. Just saying .... :shooty: