Outdoor Waira's '18 Mixed Bag of Tricks Combo Grow

:thanks: Cheers guys, thank you! :smokeout: ...I can't keep my damn snoot outta the jar on this one,... a must try IMO- :drool: .. holding that sweet floral, orange/lemon citrus + Haze combo :thumbsup:

.... if you want some delish' and interesting stanks, look into Ronin's Bum Wine, the first one is simply just unique,... it's the menthol-like notes mixed into the more sweet/fruit/heady floral notes that's got me hooked!

:woody: do those come with a box of kleenex
:crying: eeeewwww?! :rofl: ..don't forget the alcohol,....:hothot: wooooo!
yeah, something from that borneol, cineole, pulegone aroma spectrum,... Ronin said testing also revealed geraniol, which has rosy/geranium smells.... if it's there, it's buried under the others,... but then again, these are F1 I believe, so it's going to be a wheel spin for what nuances show between individuals,...... second one does have overlap with the first, but it's only half dry now, so we'll see.....
:jointman: alrighty, time for Bum Wine [HASHTAG]#2[/HASHTAG] porn! .... she's been curing only for a week, so we'll see how the aromatics shift... but right now, it's quite different from [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG],... there is some underlying overlap between them on the sweet/fruity side, but that takes a distant back seat to the other aromatics... this girl has something close to the Haze family in the spicy/incense/frankincense aroma, but has some skunk-funk notes too,... again, unique to my nose! A test smoke showed the same excellent potency- :dizzy:...hybrid buzz effects, body and head.... lingers for a long while, 3 hours later you can still feel a little hummm going on,...:biggrin:
....her buds weren't quite as dense as [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG], but the buds are weighty and stiff in texture, loaded with resins! :drool: ...( @Ronin )
.... more details after some curing time has lapsed,....:greenthumb:
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