Outdoor Waira's '18 Mixed Bag of Tricks Combo Grow


Growing strange,...
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Mar 11, 2013
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fine-ass '22 harvest!
:gary::goauto: :baked: :biggrin: :cool1: .... Welcome homies!

Time for a new thread, with both outdoor and indoor action,.... My outdoor season was looking to be canceled, but another late opportunity opened up, so I have a spot to grow at a different friends place! Prior to this, I got my first legit tent in May, along with a new chance to run auto's after a long miserable no-grow break... :jump::woohoo: :woohoo1:... The tent is actually outside, in a small courtyard under the eaves.... it's a Growneer 4 x 2, looks to be fairly good quality.... Lights are AutoCOB's and a DIY 2 COB unit a friend converted for me made from a dead eShine unit (Platinum knock-off)... AutoCOB's are 3500K and 4000K switched as needed, and the other is all 3500K....
q3.jpg q2.jpg q4.jpg q5.jpg q6.jpg ... under the bottom liner, I slipped a styro' foil panel for insulation...q1.jpg .... q7.jpg q8.jpg
... And a wee heater unit to keep things warmer at night/lights out, since it's in the 50's typically....c8.jpg ...nice unit, with the critical thermostat and low setting! It even moves back and forth if needed- :thumbsup:

>>> Other must-have equipment includes a TDS meter, pH, and the trusty Accurate 8 soil pH probe! I recently did a comparison test with it against a slurry test... Basically results showed all were within 0.2 of each other- :greencheck: c5.jpg c6.jpg ... Bottom line point here: monitoring and prevention are way-T-F better than monkey-humping with in-pot corrections! ...:nono:

>>> Nutes and supplements... always a mixed bag there! This time, I'm running mainly Greenleaf Nutrients Megacrop, with a couple bloom boosters when appropriate: Open Sesame (FoxFarms) and GLN's Bud Explosion... the former is higher P/mid' K for early to mid-late bloom, the latter is mid' P/high K for finishing,... I was given a sample of Atami Bloomtastic (0-14-15) plus other goodies, so that will get slipped on occasion since the others are very high PK#'s! :hothot:
Rather than list, here's pics of what's in the "kitchen", used as deemed wise,...

>>> more coming later on soils, strains, pics, comments about things that have happened,...:smoking:
:smoking:Hey guys, thanks for the Cheers!... .:smokeout:...you sniffed me out rather quickly,...:rofl: ... I'm fizzing about it too, especially the tent part, which is new to me,... I figured it was just compense for not being able to do my usual client run outside this year, but a last minute nod from some gracious mates upped my stoke big time! :woohoo1:.... Skelly, no beasts this time, not in these pots, late in the game, but some beauties are certainly the plan- :spels: :hump:
...continued.... :biggrin:

>>> Soils: initially, Vermisoil - :finger:,... then Royal Gold King's Mix- :thumbsup: ..... big disappointment with the Vermisoil, which was fine for me last year! This bag came preloaded with gnats, 2x the lava rock as before, and as the grow progressed, it showed to have an unknown cause for lousy sucky performance (more on that below),...pH is fine, nutes fine,.. every plant in this mix is eating fans waaaay too soon, and nothing I do seems to halt this- :cuss:... the ones in Kings Mix are doing great! The pics will tell it all,.... Also, it was at transition that the yellowing out really kicked in,.. 10 days ago that Sour Livers looked OK, nice and green, but in 36 hours time, went funky....

Strains: Outside it's: C+2.0 (Dinafem); 11 Roses (Delicious); Sex Bud (Female Seeds, reworked C99); Maine's Own Blueberry (an older HighRise strain, repro'ed by our mate Stickman); and Outdoor Grapefruit (Female).... also, caught something in between, is Stick's juicy cross of MoB/OGK x C99auto... I wrongly thought it was fully auto at first, but it's actually an F1, so theoretically it should be a photosensitive,... but she seems to have gone full auto- :shrug: :rofl:... I thought I botched the light transition going from tent to outside, but maybe not? She did react oddly to the transition, very compact in the tent, but stretched weirdly in Sun, lower laterals stalled out- :shrug:.....Regardless, she's in full bloom, a longer schedule it seems,...very nicely stinky already, so this blend should be juicy!...:greenthumb:...... The Female seeds were balky during germ', so I fired off some stunt doubles just in case,...but only one misfired, the rest were OK,... I kept the Outdoor Grapefruit, and the others were adopted :biggrin: ... pics show all but 11 Roses, which is now in her 10gal pot at the site,... the rest will be transplanted within a week,... below: MoB, SB (week or so younger), C+2.0,... ODGF in cup.... MoB/OGK x C99a

--- Tent strains: initially, Skyrone Stomper, Sour Livers, Super Blueberry (Short Stuff tester), Amber (Stone's AF-Portal) which is in the 2L Comp',... Hiccup [HASHTAG]#1[/HASHTAG] started here- :doh:... the gnats were starting to go nuts, so I brewed a Bti tea with mosquito granules, and did a spray with spinosad when they were about 1 week,... turns out, that fucking spray went sour (never had that happen so fast) and it fried the cotyl's,... first leaves were OK, but still damaged the newest forming leaf tissues, so they emerged fragg'ed out, even had to top the SBB,...I figured stunt-city for sure, if they made it at all.. but they ground it out! Meantime I fired off another Skyro', a Cosmic Queen, Amber (2L) and Orange Diesel,... the Amber is in the Vermisoil, troubles not spotted at the time and I needed to get her in time for the Comp start,... as you'll see, the Skyro', CQ and OD are looking fine,...thank gawd!
.....Skyro' still stayed small (I did start all these in 32oz cups), but CQ is better, and OD is doing better as well for size,... I should also note, I went off my usual plan for the tent, due to crowding along with all the photo' seedlings too,... I used plastic pots, taller/narrower to save space, instead of my usual fabric... not a good call, they don't dry fast enough to get feeds cycled in a timely manner, another strike against them- :doh:.... between the shit soil and this = :wall:..... up the learning curve I go- :rofl:

---> this pic tells it all!

>>> Amber's, first one and official 2nd,...

>>> Skyrone Stomper, first one... nearly fanless!:cuss:

>> Sour Livers

>> Super Blueberry