Waira puckers up for more KIS's with auto & photo ladiez!

  • Something I forgot to add.............
    When Chuck was building the house, Iwas down there quite often after work. Chuck had an outside access for the wood storage box. It wasn't designed very well. I warned Chuck about snakes. He blew it off. The poop hit the fan when Chuck came home and during the heated "discussion" about the snake, dumbass Chuck let it out that I had warned him about snakes. She made him brick up the access point! LOL!
    :doh: some folks just have to learn the hard way,...

    :yoinks: breeding snake-ball tree?! :rofl: - definitely the wrong orgy to crash!
    You grow the nicest plants. Never seen that last plant before... Cannabis L. Crotalinae?

    The S99 and Zamadelica have nice structures to them.
    :jointman: thanks DTC, I'm still puzzled at their size,...the coolness wasn't long in duration or that bad :shrug:... maybe I reduced the KIS input too much? Not cooked long enough? I'll never know for sure, but adjustments still on-going...

    Freddie is almost as lucky as the snake. Not many peeps would have released the snake.

    Up here in BC, rattlesnakes have been nearly wiped out by individuals who attend hibernacula when the snakes emerge in spring and kill the snakes. Emerging snakes spend a lot of time close to the entrance in a very lethargic state, so they can be easily killed or collected in wholesale quantities at the right time in the spring.

    The last hibernaculum I had a look at quite a few years ago reportedly had at least a couple dozen snakes around as they emerged a year or two earlier. There were two snakes there when I had a look. Probably none now, but I have not been back.
    Those "round-ups" and other fuckwaddery behavior always pissed me off! They play a huge role in rodent population control in particular, but that's not figured upon clearly,... :nono: