Jean-O's Show Grows 2024 Voodoo and the Duke

The Duke chopped day 103, drying on the rack. I screwed up by overfeeding phosphorus so the buds look a bit wonky but the frost is absolutely there.

Hope it smokes well despite my mistakes lol


The other Duke looking caked in trichs at day 89. Going to let it go for another ten days or so, maybe two weeks since I'm not hurting for weed lol.

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Going to start a separate thread in the indoor grow for all my plants, got Jeano's voodoo, hell hound xxl, 2x blue dogs. The blue dogs are looking phenomenal.


Blue Dog Day 51. Barely preflower and already sticky like glue, way stickier than most other plants at harvest. Looks like she's going to be a 10 ouncer. Good job JeanO, great gear.
Last voodoo (#2) delivered a pretty good yield, better than voodoo #1 slightly in terms of yield. #1 finished faster, smaller in stature, and tighter buds. #2 yielded slightly better, slightly better potency, the buds are airier. #1 was schwazzed, #2 was defoliated. I think I prefer not schwazzed. I like the buds better imo. Totally anecdotal.


