Your secret is safe...
How's your outdoor one(s)?
Your secret is safe...
Vewy nice! Those broken necks... [emoji16] [emoji13]Here it is... PICCY TIME! [emoji2][emoji848][emoji85]
^ that's the BBs.. Cal-mag at the ready! They're doing really well tho.. I'm gonna have to defoliate the one on the right a bit for air flow..
^There's the Critical +. She's flying along now, gonna be bigger than the other buggerz by the look of the bastard.. I may have snapped her neck. [emoji2][emoji1360]
^ Lil miss Hubba.. [emoji848]
And the team photos...
All on plain water this evening, pH 6.5....
Vladderz. [emoji1360][emoji111]️
How's your outdoor one(s)?
Mostly on the mend then bud. Four in one pot isn't a good idea anyway so if you lose a couple it's probably not a bad thing.
The middle one looks happiest!
Have you got any bamboo canes?
Too late to post mine?
Sent from my SM-N920T using Tapatalk
You bet! [emoji106] [emoji12] [emoji16]Nice rack witchy! [emoji38]