Indoor Vlad's Multistrain Mud Massacre.

CBD? CBA! What's the point? I'd only be giving myself a new habit. TBH mate, nearly everyone I know smokes weed, I'm kinda like the odd one out, believe me I've tried to like it, it just makes me feel really awkward.

It ain't broke so I ain't fixing it.
Looking good.. No bugs, no snails no slugs, one rabbit..

EARWIG! [emoji2]
They look great good place !
Must be the UK average as my water is 8 aswell but I make my nutrients in a 5 ltr water jug after adding my biobizz nutes it's around 6.5 so I bet with the new nutrient it won't be as simple
Yer my flora grow raises Ph and the bloom reduces, but not as much as I need, so I always add ph down
They look great good place !

Yep, it's pretty good. We've been growing there for four years with mixed results, never got found tho. Main problem ATM is the trees are all getting taller and starting to block the light... I think taking a chainsaw in there might be pushing my luck a bit!

I'm going up there in the morning, I'll grab more pics. [emoji2]
I got this...


Have you ever used it, or know anyone who has?

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Yes and they work good from what I can remember, I have never used one but I remember someone I know has and they liked it a lot
There the edible ones not the trippy kind growing them is illegal [emoji23]

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I love mushrooms eat on everything can you just grow them in the tent with plants?
I love mushrooms eat on everything can you just grow them in the tent with plants?
Mine are in a cardboard box In my tent for the temperature but Vlad right they don't like the light till there fruiting then only indirect light mines going under my ultimate won't get much bloody light there [emoji106]

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Well, don't get me started on that. Slavery has been around since the beginning of times, and the white people are the only race that decided to abolish it. Not to mention that the Atlantic Trade slavery actually started with African tribes selling the tribes they took as slaves to the white people.

Sooo... Maybe white people aren't such monsters after all.

AND, considering the quality of life in most of Africa, their descendants are probably in much better shape than if they'd stayed in over there.

Oh, wait, hasn't it been over 100 years since it's been abolished? Why are we still dwelling on it? Not to mention that most African slaves were taken to Arab countries. Oh, but no one is bitching to them, I wonder why...

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I know... I normally keep my thoughts to myself, but this is just really getting on my nerves. I don't think it's as bad over there as it is over here, though. I'm tired of people being rude to me because I'm beige!

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Ok, Queen (the band), David Bowie, etc. You guys rock, literally! :)

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I was getting ready to say what about Freddie and David legends!