Defies the laws of physics. But anything is possible on this flat earth of ours.
Sent from my LDN-L01 using Tapatalk
Geez! Your phone’s going to voicemail.. any chance of some technical support please? [emoji8]
Defies the laws of physics. But anything is possible on this flat earth of ours.
Sent from my LDN-L01 using Tapatalk
It's a pirate curse i tells thee, a bottle of gin on a dead man's chest just doesn't cut it vladders [emoji16]Reservoirs. [emoji1360]
Nah, it definitely happened Geez. One res is on 3 bricks and the other is on one brick. How on earth can I solve this conundrum? [emoji16]
The strange thing is the water level rose way higher than the bottom of the res i put the water into. [emoji317][emoji317][emoji317]
Sent from my LDN-L01 using Tapatalk
It's a pirate curse i tells thee, a bottle of gin on a dead man's chest just doesn't cut it vladders [emoji16]
Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk
Are you implying that my wife is the sitting round the cauldron, cackling type? [emoji16]
Defies the laws of physics. But anything is possible on this flat earth of ours.
Sent from my LDN-L01 using Tapatalk
Naw, but I do remember you whining about her burning sage (I think) around the house. Sounds like wiccan kind of stuff
Did you hit it?Cheers for that earlier Geez. Heating is fixed. [emoji1360]
Did you hit it?
Sent from my LDN-L01 using Tapatalk
LMFAO yeah I did that too, about a yr. and a half ago. We were goin away for a long weekend, so I hid the very last of my Grape Crinkle that was in a small flip top like that, so nobody would find it. Well think I got to high and hid it in the garbage can under the sink. Fookin stoner![]()
Aha! The long lost jar of blackberry gum! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]
I stashed it under the floor boards when I went on holiday in 2016.