Indoor Vlad grows more ganja.

Nice one mate, I did the similar thing- lived in London for 2 years on the working holiday visa, didn't travel enough of Europe - just got stuck in the London trap, working, pints, blow, repeat.

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Same shit, different weather! [emoji23][emoji23][emoji1360]
Number one i go brown when i sunbath unlike you who just looks dirtier (like a gypsy with an aversion to water) two if you want to pay out more money for something you don't need knock yourself out and 3 IT'S ALL THE FUCKING SAME USE ANY YOU WANT, that's all i use at half strength from as soon as they start to flower till the flush and bud candy is ment to make your bud taste better [emoji1787][emoji1787][emoji1787](believe that shit I've got a bridge from London i can sell you)

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Supposed to start with bud candy for a couple of weeks. Then go to big bud for 4-5 weeks. Then go to overdrive. I don't use bud candy but I use the other two.

Sorry the London bridge was bought by McClintoc back in the late 60s. It was disassembled and moved to Lake Havasu City in Arizona where it was reassembled as a tourist trap. I was at the opening ceremony. Immediately after the ribbon was cut, myself and two mates burst through the crowd of society types and ran out to middle of the bridge and jumped off.
Supposed to start with bud candy for a couple of weeks. Then go to big bud for 4-5 weeks. Then go to overdrive. I don't use bud candy but I use the other two.

Sorry the London bridge was bought by McClintoc back in the late 60s. It was disassembled and moved to Lake Havasu City in Arizona where it was reassembled as a tourist trap. I was at the opening ceremony. Immediately after the ribbon was cut, myself and two mates burst through the crowd of society types and ran out to middle of the bridge and jumped off.
In the English version of that story duck, he thought he was buying Tower Bridge.

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