Morning, is that a extractor fan on the floor of your tent? I shouldn't ask, just never seen that before, you have a lot of toys for growing i'm sure. I love green! I had a vacectomy, please tell me your joking on that botch job! If it's true, they sucked out 1 of my balls in the V.A. a while ago, that should make you feel better, i'm doing fine. I chopped off Lollitas cola yesterday like you suggested, got her hangin in the closet, lowerd the lights and now waiting for the rest of herto catch up, thanks for the advice-------Good luck with your plants and your medical stuff!
The fan on the floor pulls fresh air in from outside, the extractor is above the lamp. Keeps it all moving. My grow is in my cellar which is really damp and probably filling up with water as we speak if it doesn’t stop Fookin raining[emoji51] so I have to take the air from elsewhere.
What’s the VA?