Indoor Vicks Purple Lights 18 gal DWC and Hempy | LEDs


Hairy Wizard
Aug 31, 2012
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Crossed Royal Queen Northern Lights auto with Buddha Purple Kush auto and got a ton of seeds to play with. :wiz:

Today, Thanksgiving, is day 1 for 2 of them that sprouted. Lets see how they perform.

These 2 will be grown side by side in small 32oz hempy pots. One will be 100% perlite and one will be coco and perlite. No organic nutes. Runoff smells like rancid swamp water and attracts fungus gnats.

Dyna gro/bloom and General hydroponics micro/bloom will be used side by side as well. Following the lucas formula with the GH micro and bloom.

On the side of the hempy pots will be an 18 gallon dwc hydro tote. 5x 3.75" net pots, sub pump with a drip system, fogger, and a 60 gallon tetra whisper air pump on 2x ceramic air stones. I'll add pictures and a tut for the build in the DIY section later.

Grab a seat lets roll one :toke: Perfect
Subbed.. Very interested in this! Please tell me what CS-ing is.. Something to do with making females.. You posted it on one of your posts. Thanks
Subbed.. Very interested in this! Please tell me what CS-ing is.. Something to do with making females.. You posted it on one of your posts. Thanks

Thanks for the sub! :howdy: CS stands for colloidal silver! I used that to make my fem seeds. Refer to this thread for more info! Feel free to ask me questions if you're confused. The Definitive colloidal silver tutorial This guide will teach you how to make cs at home. You can also buy it on the internet or health food stores. I got mine at amazon for about $16 shipped. Get the 50ppm cs.

Edit: Also check out this guide for more info on feminized seed production How to make your own feminized seeds
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wow nice cross i cant wait to ee what she can do
A couple of beers later and the 18 gal dwc/drip system is built and ready. Perfect
:clap::clap::clap::clap: bet you carnt wait for the grow to kick off its looking wicked :D:D

Dude I'm too excited. This is my first attempt at dwc/bubble! So far, all the sprouts are looking good in their humidity bags. Just a few days left for my last pk girl and then I'll have the space to move the hydro rig in the tent. Took out the htgsupply tek light that was sitting behind the led's for a strictly LED grow and my temps dropped a little over 10 degrees! Average temp in there is 74 right now. I'm guessing the res would be 5-10 degrees lower than that which is in good range.

Fingers Crossed
Day 4

Finally got this thing going! 68 degrees in the res, PH at 5.8 and ppm at 282 using the lucas formula w/micro and bloom @ 1/4 strength. Everything looks good so far. Used superthrive @ 1 drop per gallon. Added a shot of my last chop of purple kush. :wiz:

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