Very first water to run off????

She had a massive drink this evening, so I will give her a few days and take it from there. 4.5 litres and no run off . Live n learn.
The Sheriff
Hey @Sheriffatman,

5gallon = approx. 18L. So when it's dry 4.5L will soak in and be dispersed into the medium. Tomorrow you'll notice that the sides of you fabric pot will feel moist. Give it another 4.5L of feed and it will start to drip. If not your very close ;)
The 20% flushing is only needed after a while and nothing to be concerned about for now. It has to do with salt buildup.
More important for now is the question if you coco was washed with cal/mag. Check the bag it came in. If not you should add cal/mag (check dosage on the bottle)


Hey @Sheriffatman,

5gallon = approx. 18L. So when it's dry 4.5L will soak in and be dispersed into the medium. Tomorrow you'll notice that the sides of you fabric pot will feel moist. Give it another 4.5L of feed and it will start to drip. If not your very close ;)
The 20% flushing is only needed after a while and nothing to be concerned about for now. It has to do with salt buildup.
More important for now is the question if you coco was washed with cal/mag. Check the bag it came in. If not you should add cal/mag (check dosage on the bottle)


22 litres of coco lite 70/30 with an added 1% charge. Made by ecothrive or something like that. And yes I’ve been using canna calmag from end of week one with some canna rhiz , and was thinking the same that there won’t be any build up of salts yet as it is her first proper drink, .
cheers bud
The Sheriff
Hey @Sheriffatman,

5gallon = approx. 18L. So when it's dry 4.5L will soak in and be dispersed into the medium. Tomorrow you'll notice that the sides of you fabric pot will feel moist. Give it another 4.5L of feed and it will start to drip. If not your very close ;)
The 20% flushing is only needed after a while and nothing to be concerned about for now. It has to do with salt buildup.
More important for now is the question if you coco was washed with cal/mag. Check the bag it came in. If not you should add cal/mag (check dosage on the bottle)


Hey bud
checked in on her just now, thought she would be wilted and dying, looks like a different plant lol. Think she may pull through?? Looking slightly limey in places but the light doesn’t help that, even so would like her a darker green.
Cheers bud, what a rollercoaster. Do I need to be watering daily or just when she needs it from now on, feel like I’m just hanging in there at every turn lol
The Sheriff
Cheers bud, what a rollercoaster. Do I need to be watering daily or just when she needs it from now on, feel like I’m just hanging in there at every turn lol
The Sheriff
Definetely water daily in Coco.. Always..
The rollercoaster feeling happens to all growers I think, not just new growers.. Well it hasn't gone away by the 2nd grow for me anyway LOL
Definetely water daily in Coco.. Always..
The rollercoaster feeling happens to all growers I think, not just new growers.. Well it hasn't gone away by the 2nd grow for me anyway LOL
Water to run off, that’s about 5/6 plus litres a day, is that not excessive?
Water to run off, that’s about 5/6 plus litres a day, is that not excessive?
The Coco will hold what it can and dump the rest so not really excessive because you don't just water the plant, you refresh the medium, think of it as a wet sponge and you don't want it to go stale smelling.
You're in a big 5 gallon pot so you can get away with run off every 3 waterings for the next week or two I would say, as long as they're not nuted up to nuclear levels
The Coco will hold what it can and dump the rest so not really excessive because you don't just water the plant, you refresh the medium, think of it as a wet sponge and you don't want it to go stale smelling.
You're in a big 5 gallon pot so you can get away with run off every 3 waterings for the next week or two I would say, as long as they're not nuted up to nuclear levels
if Anything I under nute, canna bottle doses seem high , most people say half it or less. So I half the stated dose and then go a bit less than that.
cheers bud
enjoy your day
The Sheriff