:howdy: you girls are kicking of now you well see a big chang in her,i love this time which them bloom,
have nice day 

Hi NC420 ! I've made a research for this question but i dont find some exact info.I've think to ask the breeder but...maybe they will not say ...a some kind of secret to be...when they dont say it in the description of the seed ? If somebody with good English can ask the breeder ( Pradise Seeds) by e-mail or somehow ... will be very good! I will appreciate that !Looking good brother, Do you know the names of any of the parent strains in this AF?
:howdy:bro,your vertigo has been cut down and dry,i thought she was about week old then my Automria,seem 2-3 grams not a lot at all bro,you should not feel a shame about show her off it all about leaning,well my girls are still going 19 days or so to go that if its ready,im going to up date me pictures tommrow of me Automaria,well you new girl looking very nice,can i ask why you are scrog her for,but she looking good bro,you mite need to get some fans going if it get to hot bro ,I'm Return from my holiday , sorry for non-update days ! Ok mates....my first Vertigo is chopped , dryed and smoked ... i have around 2-3 grams ( i don't have a scale) of it...it's a big shame for me to show you pics of it...anyway the high is very good, first 10 min is some very strong energetic high after that some cool couchlock for a 30 min , the taste....no comment , my one was fast dryed ... anyway the second seed is on the way now in day 19. I'm trying to scrog her, for now everything is ok , the temps are little high , around 27-33 deg. C. Here are some pics.
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