Indoor Vapo Grows....Tyrone Special....Slanted Style!


Staff member
AFN Global Moderator
Cultivators Club
Feb 20, 2017
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Currently Smoking
Helllllooooo Everyone and..:welcome:....:welcome:....

In this grow, i'm going to be doing something just a little bit different.......:yoinks:......but I will get to that in a minute:joy:.....all my usual tools of the trade are the same as my recent journals, but for those just looking they are:biggrin::

Light.....315w CMH Maxibright with a Philips argo bulb
Medium........Canna coco professional plus/Perlite mix
Shine time.......18/6
Pot..........Shitty fabric 7.6ltr pot bought off ebay without looking properly

Ok I think that's then, an explanation I believe is in order, I have had an idea bouncing around in my bonce for awhile now:headbang:.....and im going to try it out, this is just the first phase of an evolving idea that will stop if this doesn't work, or somebody tells me it's been done before!!:d5::d5:

my idea is this.....when we place our lady's in their growing area...we plonk them down...on their arse and let them soak up the shine....the plant does as Mother Nature intended and grows up toward the light, casting out leaves at the very top to catch all this wonderful light and begin photosynthesis....right?....fact!....and ALOT of us, myself included, use different techniques to either remove or move these top leaves as they shade the underneath growths that, if given the right amount light/air/nutes, these underneath growth's will provide us with more of that beautiful bud that we are all in this game for.
so what I am going to try is growing this girl on a slant, to expose those underneath, shaded tips to the light!!!.....Genius no?haha:crying:.....I currently use some cheap metal 3 legged plant stands and i'm going to bend one of the legs the plant sits on an angle and exposes the under's to the light....not a steep incline as this could cause problems later on with top heavyness and other problems I can't see right now, i'm going to turn her 180° at around 2pm everyday so she gets even light......also I have an inkling that feeding at an angle is going to be beneficial as well.....but we will see:bow:....this is a pic of Ms.Tyrone now......she will be potted up in a few this space:smiley1:

@archiegemmill @hairyman @jingo @mephisto @Dudeski @Spanglish @BCBudlady @Eclectic Elle @Mizzo81 @Maria Sanchez @blue @Mossy @Taipan @Samwell @bushmasterar15 @stedimed @mcpd_refugee @Patalian @Conrad Poohs @MissUniverse
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Ok, I am in. I like watching stuff grow! Looking forward to seeing what that strain is like.

Good luck with her...:bighug:
Ok, I am in. I like watching stuff grow! Looking forward to seeing what that strain is like.

Good luck with her...:bighug:
just added your tag bro....I just copy and paste the tags from the previous grow:pass:
just added your tag bro....I just copy and paste the tags from the previous grow:pass:

Thanks man. Looking forward to the ride. I will be waiting for this heat to pass before any beans go in the ground. Medicine cabinet I see full, and I don't like fighting Mother Nature. Takes too much effort for a old lazy stoner like me!
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You'll do great! Even a little Tyrone goes a long way. I know mephisto is trying to push white crack but I think miss Tyrone is stealing the show from her cousin with the larfer number of tyrone special grows right now. I know a number of people personally who have grown Tyrone special and keep it as a permanate staple. When I get back to terminating more seeds a Tyrone special is due to go in DWC to make up for the failure of the last one. Too bad I can't drop one now... Well I could barely, but it wouldn't be smart. I don't have the space... well... maybe I do... damnit. Now I want to grow one!
Nice petite plant @MissUniverse . LOL

I ride along in the backseat as I have picked up some Tyrone Special recently.
Thanks, maybe this winter we can have a Tyrone special grow off for those with it for nastalgia. Only prize is bragging rights.
When I get back to terminating more seeds a Tyrone special is due to go in DWC to make up for the failure of the last one.
Haha please....we need germinating not terminating's ok ....:crying:.....I hate autocorrect too...:crying:...Thanks @MissUniverse :vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe::vibe: