Chasing THC % is like chasing ABV in craft beer. You can brew some fantasically strong stuff these days but, is it any more pleasing than a lower ABV brew with a finer flavour and smell profile? I will say some of my current favorites are the low % IPA "session" beers. I far prefer having 4-5 and feeling it slightly over 2 pints and being 3 sheets. Men, and womens, and hell in between persons, can I recommend you try any firkin hand pumped brew you ever come across. If a bar advertises a "firkin" whatthehellever, try it! Phssssh..... a real small batch, hand crafted, non-artifically carbonated, 16th C style beer. Such a fine brew. Everytime I've seen a live Firkin it's been an immeasurable pleasure.
Yes, I like a strong brew here and there but I'm not 50 anymore. Plus I like beng able to ride the curl a bit longer before I fall off these days.
ok, so... ah what was I trying to say...
Oh right...
Um, does the UV aside from THC boost provide any difference in the end experience? Is the enhancement found in the non numerical area?