I was running a Solarcure Flower Power until I drilled down on some more recent research and discontinued it due to concerns over terpene loss and efficacy. While there are some older studies showing that you need wavelengths down to 285nm to activate the UVR8 protein which is (partially?) responsible for increased THC production some of the more recent studies call into question that conclusion. I identify a couple here. IIRC, all the studies I looked at found enhanced terpene loss with UVB and mixed reviews on THC production - but I was probably baked when I read them. IMHO, YMMV, etc.
Thank you for providing links to actual research!

On that note, the paper you link second (after the master’s thesis) is not peer reviewed so take their findings with a grain of salt. Also they used the CA LightWorks SolarSystem UVB for 5 Hours straight during their tests!!! IMO that’s showering too much constant UV at any organism as I said in my previous post. There was no control with any shorter time of UV exposure, or comparing splitting UV treatments into multiple 1 hr doses.
Another one of the papers is great, but they blasted their plants for 3.5 hrs. Again, that much time with a focused UV LED light like each group used in their studies is way different that the diffused UV radiation from the sun that varies in intensity with time of day, weather/atmospheric conditions, etc.
In theory UV treatment would actually induce the formation of the trichome cells as a protective layer on the epidermis of the leaves. So just my thought has been doing short UV treatments will cause more trichomes to form (they’re just masses of cells projecting from the epidermis) which are storage sites for the cannabinoids and secondary metabolites. Then as long as you don’t give too much UV such that the plant goes into “UV damage response mode” it will simply go back to producing cannabinoids and terps after turning the UV off.
Enjoying convos like these that get inner cannanerd going!