was just about to put a shout out for help coolbreeze, but looks like blue has found the answer! (helped me too blue!) while i'm here can i extend a big welcome back to AFN coolbreeze! i had a peek at that link and whoah! great little set up you had there!
Thanks man. It was sweet. I also had a shed with a 4x2.5 Foyt space for photos, and an empty closet with one little cfl on 16/8 or 18/6 for a couple photo moms. Craigslist is full of cabinets like that for 100 bucks- and they are easy to convert/ highly tactical... I've relocated and now I'm starting over. Can't wait!!
Shortly after that last entry- things went terribly wrong. Fortunately while i poles my heels for a month and a half pre trial, a buddy of mine finished all that stuff and used the proceeds to pay my fines. Blah blah. Anyway. Tha cabinet was so much fun. I miss my shed too. Super utilitarian grow- but produced weed that was- I dunno - my favorite strain/ cross and what turned out to be m favorite grow- just really easy and fun.
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