Mephisto Genetics US Reserva Presale info

A few things:

I used the newsletter sign up from the maintenance page and it worked fine.

I also happened to be molesting the site yesterday before & just as it came up for the sale, the newsletter email was then received a minute or less after the site came up. This was a Gmail account.
Link to where it will pop up today?

Click HERE
A few things:

I used the newsletter sign up from the maintenance page and it worked fine.

I also happened to be molesting the site yesterday before & just as it came up for the sale, the newsletter email was then received a minute or less after the site came up. This was a Gmail account.
See it's people like you that screw up the site stop molesting the site please. It won't have as many issues if you keep your hands where they should be. Someone post a Me Too sign on the meph site.
Do we have a time or ETA on Monday on when the next drop will be available! Super stoked, thanks for doing this!
Do we have a time or ETA on Monday on when the next drop will be available! Super stoked, thanks for doing this!

Ya man, I checked both places all morning to see when this would drop considering I was going to be out for the 4th etc, all morning checking here and reddit, etc... it didn't help.

I have no idea why it has to be a puzzle at this point.
Lmao this guy @stan_mephisto said 40-60cm on toofless alien.....TRY 60” FOR MINE! And that was after supercropping 4 spots! :woohoo1:
Definitely can say as stated tho she is some straight fire smoke! Takes some work after pulling bud off stem just to be able to grind it up to roll it! :headbang:
Takes cleaning fingers off with rubbing alcohol just so I can roll up a blunt or fingers will be so caked in resin that my 1st attempt at rolling it up without using alcohol 1st I ripped the outer leafs clean off my cigar!
See it's people like you that screw up the site stop molesting the site please. It won't have as many issues if you keep your hands where they should be. Someone post a Me Too sign on the meph site.

Yeah. Well. I noticed slight changes being pushed through on the site and it was a pretty clear indicator.
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