Lighting Upgrading chinese cob to citizen

Jan 9, 2019
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Hello All,
I have been messing around with an old chinese cob light--9 orange looking full spectrum cobs-- After taking it apart it had a driver for each cob.
40-60v 1.2a. I took out all but four of the cob drivers and replaced cobs with some citizen 1212 3500 I found real cheap on ebay. I now have a four cob spread of 12" square. I thought this would be good for vegging a 3x3 area or flowering a 2x2 in my larger tent
I also had some old led lights that i converted to cobs. I used one driver for each cob. These are in my 4x2 tent. I measured the outputs on one of the drivers and showed .77mA 35v across cob. I dont understand why driver is 1.2a and only putting out .77mA?
My big question is this: I know I can put another cob on these drivers. Should I run four cobs instead of two on the little lights. I know there is a photon:heat ratio thing but from all my watching/reading I am really confused. It would seem to me one more cob in the 4x2 tent for a total of five would be more than enough for flowering. How much would it help to add two more cobs to each driver or how much would it hurt to pull a driver and just have one driver run two cobs for each light?
I am still pretty much a noob in the growing and lighting dept so any advice and input from you guys would give me would be greatly appreciated
The drivers are 40-60v so you can’t add a second 36v cob in there. 72v total. You could upgrade the cobs to 1812’s and get a bit more power out of them. How did you work out you were only getting .77ma from them?
I had it in my head the drivers were 40-80v and the correct current is .7a from driver through cob. Sorry about that I promise I am not that clueless.
So my plan for adding another 36v cob to my not so bad drivers is out the window. I bought a bag of 6 older blurbee lights off this guy for $100 and have a lot of extra drivers, cases, and options for adding on if I need to and building more. My first concern is do I have enough light for what I have and if not how much should I add.
The red light had those 5 empty slots. Would it benefit me to add some different spectrum cobs even if they are powered by crappy drivers---or just more light? These things arent throwing hardly any heat and my plants are responding well.
I’d go with 200 wall watts. This is a bit lower than the actual wattage going to the cobs. Fans and 88% efficient drivers suck up a few wall watts.

I did second quests the specs. These drivers are usually .6-.7amp and 80v max. You could throw on another cob per driver. 36x2 is still below 80v