Unpopular opinion

Listen to this man's take on autoflowers:

Jeff Lowenfels talks about auto-flowering cannabis.

Link: The AutoFlowering Revolution (12:31)

About the speaker (from his website): Author of the Award-winning author of the following:
(1) "Teaming With Microbes: The Organic Gardener’Guide To The Soil Food Web,"
(2) "Teaming With Nutrients: The Organic Gardener’s Guide to Optimizing Plant Nutrition"
(3) "Teaming With Fungi: The Organic Grower’s Guide to Mycorrhizae,"

He is also a lawyer who writes the longest-running garden column in North America, having never missed a week in 41 years. The combination of garden writing and law earned him the moniker of “America’s Dirtiest Lawyer,” though with the publication of his third book, a trilogy, he will morph into “Lord of The Roots.”

Jeff is a highly respected and popular garden writer. He is the former President of the Garden Writers of America, a GWA Fellow and in 2005 was inducted into the GWA Hall of Fame, the highest honor a garden writer can achieve.
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I went to autoflowers because I started out in a greenhouse, but couldn't get my photo's to flower because of light pollution from a nearby factory. It was so bad that for two months or so I needed to close all windows so no one could see inside (the greenhouse was painted with white wash), then wrap panda foil two or three times around my plant before I could get it to flower. That was just to much work, in my search I found this forum and never grown anything else then auto's.

Also, you can have multiple plants at different stages in the same tent.
Since a couple of months now I also grow inside because of this. That way I can be self-sufficient and don't have to rely on some dodgy person for my medication. :thumbsup:
I went to autoflowers because I started out in a greenhouse, but couldn't get my photo's to flower because of light pollution from a nearby factory. It was so bad that for two months or so I needed to close all windows so no one could see inside (the greenhouse was painted with white wash), then wrap panda foil two or three times around my plant before I could get it to flower. That was just to much work, in my search I found this forum and never grown anything else then auto's.

Since a couple of months now I also grow inside because of this. That way I can be self-sufficient and don't have to rely on some dodgy person for my medication. :thumbsup:
Haha that’ll do it….along with porch lights, street lights, or just lights from your house windows. Autos for the win :thumbsup:
Why are autos marketed so heavily to new growers?

I've never grown a thing, and autos seem really delicate and finicky with their hand grenade style flowering. Make a simple noob mistake on your auto, and there goes your harvest.

Seems photos are a lot more forgiving, since they can be maintained in veg indefinitely. Over watering your photo in the beginning and possibly stunting it seems like it would be a lot more treatable than with an auto, along with the myriad of other mistakes that new growers make, since veg can be controlled to the point where the plant recovers.

I just want to know if my thinking is right on this? Like, "why auto?" is kinda where I'm at with it.
I have done both autos and photos, and disagree with "autos are really delicate and finicky." Autos are tanks bud, and will push through a lot mismanagement. The photos have been more sensitive than my autos. You dont have to worry about a light schedule change as well. Length of grow is a plus for a lot of growers too. I beat the hell out of my plants and they love it. Grow a few of each, and your unpopular opinion may change... stay lifted.
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:yeahthat: all of the previous reasons plus. The autoflowers are my hobby. I like the endless variety and the beautiful flowers and aromas. I have grown many Photos also but I have grown impatient waiting for the photo's flowers to ripen and just love the speed of the Autos. Vrooooommmmm.
Yeah repeat sales I'd say, I think breeders are happiest selling autos, one seed one plant. Good point that new growers are more likely to make a small mistake (overwater, overfeed) that slows down a plant, which can be basically fatal for an auto but just a delay for a photo..... but yeah, autos just have some 'cool' factor I guess
I prefer photos for the control, had some bad luck with flip times on autos :shrug: cheers :pass:
The auto world kinda exploded back a coupla decades ago and when they caught on, many breeders and pollen chunkers wanted their share of the pie so 'true autos' and 'semi-autos' began their hybrid journeys.
I remember the years when autos were as advertised...quick and able to hide among low foliage. Personally I liked the timing and lack of light schedule requirements...realizing long ago that autos 'can handle' 24/0 but don't require it. Heck, my first were on 12/12 and did quite well.
Being a numbers guy, I had to know my percentage increase of costs of care & energies vrs percent increase in yeild. I found 'diminishing returns' applies as overall cost and hassle far outpaces the increase in yeild. Soooo..I make sure the 12/12 they get is my best. Makes healthy plants easier which in turn means quality bud.
Runnin autos on 12/12, lets me run photos alongside! Keeps each one honest.
IMO...a well grown auto is as good as a well grow photo. Of course, most photos out yeild autos but yeild doesn't mean more potency.