Tell me something man. At the end of my grow I plan on pulling the girls roots and all. Could I cut my roots, leaves and place them in my pots as mulch even if I don’t have worms? I plan on plopping more seeds after a few weeks rest period for my soil...while the girls hang in my room(lights off of course).

My point. Think I may want to try the no till approach but not sure I’m ready for earth worms yet.

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Earth worms will take care of themselves
Not money driven in the least. Just not a fan of buying the stuff commercially when I can produce the same or better quality for less. Maybe that is money driven?

I’m not so much organically driven, in that I want my smoke chemical-free, as much as I’m amazed by how healthy and vibrant they are. And I’d like my plants to be that healthy.

Really, well done.
Not money driven in the least. Just not a fan of buying the stuff commercially when I can produce the same or better quality for less. Maybe that is money driven?

I’m not so much organically driven, in that I want my smoke chemical-free, as much as I’m amazed by how healthy and vibrant they are. And I’d like my plants to be that healthy.

Really, well done.
Appreciate those kind words, bless up the work comes from my heart , I have a passion for farming , have a grateful day :thanks::greenthumb::bump::digit::growing:
5 gallon smartpots! I’m going for it on my next run!!

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Try to use at least 15 gals my friend even ten gal is pushing the limit of life able to live in a smaller pot I put 2 in my 15s
Update :welcome: