Live Stoner Chat Uk weather

Jul 23, 2012
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Reckon we at the peak of our summer now and the good weather will stay for around a month?
I'm a miserable bastard and prefer winter lol I like it being dark early and having the blanket on the sofa downstairs watching tv.
I'm a miserable bastard and prefer winter lol I like it being dark early and having the blanket on the sofa downstairs watching tv.

High 5

Nothing cosier than crap weather. Oct/Nov best months of the year
That's what I love being nice and cosey in the warmth. Bit of a pain some mornings getting to work and its freezing out but I still enjoy getting to work in the dark lol.
How long you think the good weather will stay? 2months maximum? Even if it does for 2months I bet it starts getting colder within a few weeks.
I hope it gets colder it's getting harder to maintain good temps in my tent with all this heat!
Damn right, lol. I reckon it'll be here for a while, well a few more days and its gonna bring one hell of a storm, then it'll go back to this for a while. Don't watch actual TV (only watch shows online, my hate for certain media is a topic for another day) so haven't got a clue what the weather reports are showing. I haven't seen oceans as blue as the sky was today, Hurricane Bomber came flying over at midday low enough to kiss rooftops. That was very cool.

Bring on the rain!!!
I've changed how I normally do things just for this grow. Got the lights off at 12 midday normally I would have off at 6 when I get back from work and on again at 10 before bed. They aren't getting 20/4 either gone for 18/6 was half by mistake and stupidity lol but I'm gonna stick to it due to the temps.
I broke my temp reader but I think I got a feel for it and girls aren't showing no signs of heat stress.
long may it stay!
I need the weather to be good for my erbs, I don't grow in a tent or greenhouse or anything so bring on the sun & heat..

It will prob be the peak this week but you never know as july/august are hottest months, a peak could be later but that really is asking alot of the UK climate to deliver two/three very good weather periods.

Just as long as it doesn't go back to truly dire all the time ill be content.


It has bee
Should stay till at least the end of this month I think.

I like this weather for my plants etc, but fucking hell its hot. I prefer the icy winters by far :)
I had to change my lights off times too, but I am still on 20/4 off from 12 ~ 4.

If it stays like this I might have to go to 18/6

It would be nice if it just stayed at around 22c then it's not too hot for me or my plants