Outdoor UK summer back yard grow

Taking it like a champ !

RQS NL day 27

Blue dream'matic Day 20

This one will be round the pot LST


Peyote Critical Day 18
Gonna top her soon.

Seems the aphids are out in full force ! Had to pick quite a few off the nodes today. So annoying !
Seems the aphids are out in full force ! Had to pick quite a few off the nodes today. So annoying !
It's a bad year for aphids here on my plum tree - we've tried neem oil and it's had some effect but not enough and the tree's too tall to really get a good spray covering all over it. Hubby said being organic outside is a great ideal, but you need to take more measures if you're producing your own food. Luckily we're not dependent on the fruit...
It's a bad year for aphids here on my plum tree - we've tried neem oil and it's had some effect but not enough and the tree's too tall to really get a good spray covering all over it. Hubby said being organic outside is a great ideal, but you need to take more measures if you're producing your own food. Luckily we're not dependent on the fruit...

They're a nightmare ! Blackfly, greenfly, whitefly... They're all at it ! One at the node won't cause an issue, it's when they start grouping up so need to keep on top of it. I've had to reluctantly use pesticides on my food crops already as I had a nasty case of vine weevil not long ago :finger: but trying not to use any on the girls as I don't fancy smoking chemicals... Yuck !
If you are going , I also swear by their seaweed tonic.
Ooooh good shout I'll have a look in my local :smoking:
This was grown with just the Wilko products.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]
If you are going , I also swear by their seaweed tonic. This was grown with just the Wilko products.

Sent from my comfy chair.
[emoji16][emoji41] [emoji43][emoji848]

Wow that's hench mate :biggrin: when would I use the seaweed tonic ? I was actually eyeing it up the other day but I didn't want to go over board with feeds...

Also seen some pistils today ! I think we're going in to pre flower :cooldance: