Day 10 growth is now going to speed up a lot. Roots are a bit behind but the next week she will catch up or exceed her fellow plants

Looking really good, usually the bigger net post takes longer for the roots to travel through. Excited to see her explode though
Looking really good, usually the bigger net post takes longer for the roots to travel through. Excited to see her explode though
Thank you, that's what I've experienced before with Tyrone special. I have tended to get the short bushy pheno which is perfectly fine with me as it makes it manageable.

Others please chime in and give any guidance or tips or even shoot the breeze
That looks great, those roots are growing super fast, how close are your lights? It looks a little squatty.
That looks great, those roots are growing super fast, how close are your lights? It looks a little squatty.
Thank you. Roots always grow fast, they like water and max o2:). The light is about 24 to 26 inches away. Last time i grew one it started really squat and then exploded into a big bush.