Tyrone special 2nd try

Aug 23, 2016
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So I'm about to try again with reversing Tyrone. I want to cross her to purple nugs. My question is if you want to get more purple influences is it better to reverse the purple? My plan is to start the female 3 weeks or so after the one to be reversed. They will both be in a 2x4 I guess I may not get much useful bud but that's no the point just seeds. If I just spray the top of Tyrone maybe I can get some S1 off her. I will post progress here.
2020-11-07 070243.jpg

The red solo cup is a Tyrone special (so is bigger flowering plant) and the the other purple nugs. The purple nugs is a bit bigger already. I think I will spray the one that first shows sex.
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The purple nugs one day after first spray, I can see changes in color on the plants leaves. Got rid of the solo cup girl and planted a fresh Tyrone special and my last purple nugs to hopefully be pollinated.
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Before and after shots of purple nuggets on day of 2nd sts treatment. After first treatment you could see a big change in the leaves with the curling and slight burning. 12 hours after 2nd treatment can already see curling. She is still pretty young and I expect her to recover from this. 1 or 2 more treatments expected I'm going for every 5 days.
Final update on this was she died. I think I fucked up her ph or something she looked great till she didn't. I gave the smaller ones away and just started another grow. May try this summer once more. I'm out of purple nuggets now so maybe I can strangle someone to get my hands on some. I would purchase some but yall know strangling someone might be easier way.