Indoor Two plants in different stages? Need help.

Dr. Babnik

Virtus ex Alto
Apr 2, 2016
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Currently Smoking
Six Shooter, Black Stone, Stone Dragon, Moroccan and home made hash
Hi brothers,

What should I do now? The plants shown are 41 days old.

Look at these flowers. I use cfl lamps. Is it time to change light and nutes for her?? She has a younger sister and she is not showing sex.

I also have a White Widow but she has not grown any pistils yet. I have only one tent and one reflector, so I have to choose which light to use. If I change light, what will happen to her? Will she start flower phase ifmImchange nutes and lights now?

Pic: The top shot of White Widow.

Lession learned: Grow one strain at the time.
You're good for now. Leave the same bulb in. You want to let the flowers actually begin to form a bit before switching imo. Give them both another week or so then post more pics but there BOTH still in need of veg lights and nutes.

And as far as what would happen. they would still continue to grow just not under the "optimal" light
My plants at day 45.

What do you think, @A-Train and other experts?

Super Skunk haven't stretched the last two weeks.

White Widow is still growing at a goog paste. She is 42 cm in hight. I am just showing the top of her today.

Nice green.... skunk 1 is clawing. Most likely too much N but besides that. They will make bud man
Nice green.... skunk 1 is clawing. Most likely too much N but besides that. They will make bud man

Okay, so I will feed Super Skunk Big Bud and no N today.

What about the White Widow? She has not a single pistil yet, but growing happily. She has 9 or 10 nodes, depending on how you count.

When you saw last set of pics, you said one week to evaluation for bulb and nute change. That will be on Wednesday. New pics follows. I am just impatient... She will get plain water today.
I would just let it ride for now. When you see sex and p flowers then change my friend
White Widow.

Quoting Royal Queen Seeds "Indoors it will grow to an average height of around 50 cm, with some larger plants...", I can expect my plant to reach 50 cm. She is now 42 cm and at the current growth rate, I think it will take like 8 days to 50 cm.