Show Grows 2023 Twenty20 Mendocino Spring 2023 Grow & Show

What is the intended purpose of doing that?
I think it opens up the lower branches and slows the top down to make a bushier plant. Similar effect to topping without the topping. Though it might not do much if anything. :shrug:

I like to top autos most of the time but didn't want to risk stressing them in the grow n show.
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What is the intended purpose of doing that?

At least I didn't strike out this round of trying to germ. I have one DoubleBubble up and I can see the same action on the Bubble Tricks. I think I planted them upside down! LMMFAO! I could see the seedling trying to loop around in that tiny opening in the Jiffy pot.
I give FULL blame to @Twenty20 Adam fer this one. I was out of ground up bud in my one hitter container. I thought, what would OgreBerry and Knows Candy taste like together? It tasted great, but it just whacked my ass hard! :funny: The positive is that she popped that damn helmet right off when she finally 'sprung' out. That media in the jiffy pot isn't quite as 'fluffy' as the regular media, so she struggled a bit. There was nothing up about 11AM. When I checked a little while ago, there she was, standing proud. There was a little clump of media to one side. Evidently, she 'sprung' up with a bit of force from the tension. LOL! Hopefully the Bubble Tricks will do the same tonight. I don't doubt I did the same to the other DoubleBubble that I can't see any action yet.
Hopefullly the other will be fully up later toniht and I'll take pics, make a threadmark and flip a coin to see who gets the Earthbox and who gets the 3gal RainScience bag an MC as her nutes.

Yup, this one's on you, Adam!:funny::biggrin:
I did the looped and stayed real short... and wasn't growing I got rid of both in my SIP I restarted ......View attachment 1591848
I crossed ogreberry with 420 fastbuds banana purple punch....
Well, I've never grown banana purple punch, so I have no idea what it would bring to the table, but Ogreberry would hopefully bring those STRONG terps with her.
At least she cured just as stinky as she was growing. She started stinking very early flower. I sent my boy a zip of OgreBerry and Knows Candy and 1/8ths of all the other. I told him I was sending a couple little samples.:eyebrows:
Gonna day one on Double Bubble in a Jr. Delicately tried to give the other two a chance to pop up with a little removal of media.View attachment 1592009
I also crossed their Whiskey Zulu x banana purple punch...I believe...I'll have to check....I'm pretty positive...but it could be devils cream or dark jedi....