twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

I top above the 4th node ASAP. I don't remember having to super crop an auto in my current grow space. It has about 67" inches of usable vertical space without getting in the lights. I almost always have to super crop Photos.
I'm definitely going to top and low stress train as I have height restrictions,
Auto surprisingly don't mind a topping or even super cropping
Update time! The Hotz in coco are doing fantastic. Both of the soil plants, 1 MSG & 1 Hotz, not as vigorous but still well. They all showed a little claw/N tox symptoms. I had tried pushing the nutes to full strength but they are all much happier at 80%.

Mendo Skunky Garlic: Day 34 : Promix in 1.5G airpot. The grumpiest of the plants. Not real happy with anything but not terribly unhappy either. Got a little Nitrogen heavy, tox clawing, but gave extra water only sessions. Definitely sensitive and needs a less frequent feeding. Getting about 600ml every 3rd day which leaves just a trickle in the saucer.



Hotz: Seed #4: Day 30, coco in 0.8G RainScience bag. This one brings me joy.

Doing very well, growing fast and looking pert and perky everytime I open the tent. Currently getting 600ml fertigation AM and PM. Recieved a light defoliation around the base as there are so many leaves it was difficult to water. First time I've had to defol due to too many good leaves and not, well, these leaves are dead!

Also showing a slight claw due to N tox/too heavy on the feed. Backed off to 80% and we are singing again. 700ml twice a day. Needs a bit more volume to achieve runoff due to the RS bag evaporating more quickly.


Genuine growing pleasure.

Hotz: Seed #2 - The Coil: Day 33: Coco/1.5G Airpot

My favorite! This is the coiled up root that should have died but is an absolute mutant monster. So many branches and leaves on the inside. I'm not sure if I should give it a big defoliation or not. I clipped around the bottom as this one was also difficult to water. 700ml AM/PM. This plant did not suffer hardly any N tox symptoms. Could probably push it harder but it's much easier keeping them all the same and, if it's going fine LITFA! Right?




Hotz: Seed #3 - Day33: Promix/1.5G Airpot

This one is also going a bit slower than the coco plants. Not as grumpy as the MSG, but definitely needed a light light feed schedule. Been on a feed, water, water, water, water. I suspect the Promix plants would be happiest with a 50% nute strength going forward.



Ok I tried to keep it to 2 pics per plant. Thanks for checking out the update and I am massively happy with all 4 of these plants so far. Typical Twenty20, an absolute joy to grow! Plus I love the massive 7 leaf fans. Just enormous power sails sticking out everywhere.
Sorry for being tardy to the party just got a Autowreck in some pro mix. 1 for 1 on germination. Was ready in about 20hrs, but I fell asleep last night so had to wait till today lol.


Nice big tail on her betting she will be up by tonight. Got her in some pro mix in a 5gal Rain Science bag. Planning on a scrog to fill up my 2'x4' :goodluck: using R/O water and Megacrop 2part.

Stay lifted
Day 11 for MSG and Ogreberry autos. Got them transplanted to final 3 gal pots in the auto tent. Front left is Ogreberry and Front right is MSG. MSG has a slight lean cuz she’s leggy. Also have two Whiskey Zulu autos top left and right at day 64. Not part of this G&S but I thought I’d share. The solo topped (2lt?) pot is the runted Autowreck at day 36. Figured I’d give her a base to grow into for the rest of her life. I’d seen this technique on this forum before and thought I’d see how it did for me…

The sip has 2 knows candy autos side by side. I’m thinking soil was too moist for them pretty sure they are at day 23.
Day 37 Update

Color's getting back to normal. No longer seeing widespread chlorosis but have instead shifted to some clawing/burnt tips & margins. Not much I can do about it, and it doesn't seem to be bothering either. They're both still stretching into the light and seem happy. I have full details in my personal journal/blog in signature.

Haven't really changed much since my last update. Following BAS guidelines with a few minor customizations. Will probably incorporate some dehumidification shortly. Humidifier has been offline all week - heater as well. Averages for the past week are 76.1F & 62.6% humidity. The cucumber plants are adding a ton of humidity to the tent.

I'll start defoliating Triks shortly. She's definitely bushier. Whiskey, on the other hand, has been off LST ties for several days now and has sprawled out nicely. Both have been a delight to watch, and the smells are getting interesting with the appearance of those preflowers.

Triks - Day 37.jpg

Triks - Day 37 (2).jpg

Whiskey Zulu
Whiskey Zulu - Day 37.jpg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 37 (2).jpg