twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

Day 26

The girls continue to veg on. I moved the MSG to the autopot because I had an opening spot. Tied down the main branch a bit to let the lowers get better light. The OgreBerry is enjoying the tent, just did some minor tucking on her so far.

Bonus photo of my Purple Biscauto in the early flower stage.
Day 47 - not part of the G&S, just a drop of my current Twenty20 Mendo X-Factor (the Cultivar Formerly Known as Snow-G). Switching over from veg to bloom nutes. Temps 82-86F with 60-65% RH during lights on. Adding AN Big Bud coco and Bud Candy into the nute regimen.

Gave a few days to recover from supercropping, finally started to clean up her undercarriage. Will then tuck fans to improve airflow in the upper canopy, remove any other dying fans over the next few weeks. Pic sucks with the brightness but you get the point


Front left of the tent had gotten too close to a T5HO one night a week or so back and got a little fried. She’s been recovering fine but parts look a little fugly! Forgot to refill the humidifier last night so hoping that’s the reason for some canoeing in the fans and not stress from the lights, will pay attention to it.


She handled being twisted around pretty well, I didn’t maintain the training wires enough this run though so not as much of a looping hook shape I was after for the main stem.


Would love to have an extra foot on either side to really have been able to stretch her out and see what these genetics could really do. Had to cut out some lower branches that just weren’t the strongest swimmers to make breathing room.

Good vibes for the weekend AFN growmies! :pass:
Update#3, Day 18+ MSG & Knows Candy
(BTW, in my previous post (page 22) I reported that the plants were at Day 20. No way, it was Day 7 back then. Sorry, brain fart.)

Anyway, happy to report that environmental conditons are now more under control and the two MSGs are going to make it. Here they are on Day 18:


And here again, five days later at Day 23:



And the two TRIKS sadly, but obviously, perished. Two Knows Candy seeds performed beautifully. Here they are at Day 1 and Day 6.

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Looks great! I wonder...Hows this one smell?
Had a little look at the Trizkit earlier. Smell is extremely mild, got practically nothing from rubbing the stems. Giving the buds a squeeze did give me a very mellow, citrusy, OG note… really pleasant. Would be a great strain for a stealth grow… well this pheno anyway.