twenty20 Twenty20 Mendocino Grow&show 2022

Day 18 for the girls. I started them under a SF2000 with some other girls. The SF2000 ended up causing some light damage on their first leafs. I moved them over to my other 3x3 with my HLG 300L and they look much better now and are back on track. Will starting feeding them daily til runoff now that they recovered.

Today is day 18 for both Triks and Whiskey Zulu.

Both ladies are coming along. This chlorosis appeared about a week and a half ago; initially only on Triks. I had since seen subtler signs of it in Whiskey Zulu as well. She very abruptly started showing some other issues overnight - Some margin/tip burns on newer growth which reinforces my initial assumption that the soil (Stonington Blend) is just a little too rich for such young plants. Average conditions in my tent for the last week are 79.1F & 61.6% RH.

I'm not going to do anything drastic at this point; just let them (hopefully) grow through it since we're on the verge of that veg explosion. To double down on that assumption, I topped both today at node 5.

Triks - Day 18.jpg

Triks - Day 18 (2).jpg

Whiskey Zulu
Whiskey Zulu - Day 18.jpg

Whiskey Zulu - Day 18 (2).jpg
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Update#2, Day 20, Triks x2 and MSG x2

Well, its been grim, hence no posting for a while. We got a decent germination, but then all four simply stalled. I'm blaming my lack of environmental contol; I was too cheap to replace a broken humidifier. Hence my tent was way off on RH - being greatly influenced by the ambient conditions of the room around the tents. Here a view on day 20:


The MSGs are alive, but not growing. The Triks are clearly dying. I don't believe that soil moisture is the problem. It may be that the little "root plugs" that the seeds went into were an issue. First (and last) time I'll be using them. The MSGs seeds were planted straight away into soil cups with soil for a couple of days before going into the Grow Bags.

Anyway, I've replaced the humidifier and have temps and RH in a good range. I'll be dopping two Knows Candy seeds to replace the Triks.
DAY 23
Strain: Twenty20 Triks
Tent Temp: 82/RH: 45%
Lighting: MarsHydro TSW2000
PAR on canopy: 410
Nutrients: My own "modified" GH FloraTrio schedule

(3) days on the rez and the lady seems to have taken to it brilliantly! She will be topped this afternoon.:naughtystep:

Day 16
stall for both. Adjusted environment earlier in the week-seeing if they perk up in the next week or so.

I am right there with you my friend. I don't know if going directly into 3 gal bags is the cause for me or what But I am staying patient.
one of my seeds took like 12 days to germ so maybe its just slow.