Hey all!! Sorry, forgot to let you know about my other journal. Here is the link, the THC Bomb has been getting updated over there...

What's up AFN!! Now that my tent is free, I decided to give autos another shot in Hempy buckets. I added vermiculite to the perlite as the original Hempy recipes ask for. (3:1 ratio per/verm). I popped an axt by Mephisto Genetics and she's 4 days old now. Hoping my go with autos this time is better than the last. [emoji848]

Pics to come...
Well I'm waiting bro! Ha, love your work my dude @Tenacious
Sup Loop!! May need to put our heads together for auto Hempy buckets bro...here is my AxT on day 5.


She's starting her second set of true leaves now. I gave her a seedling dose of nutes to get her going (0.33ml/L) as she's in soilless medium. But, as we know, hempies are a slow starter till the tap root hits the res. I added verm this go to retain moisture and to help to get her a faster start...

I happen to be growing the same strain my four girls are on day 13,12,9 and 8 lol going great so far! Can't wait to see yours!

Hey bro! Can I see a pic of your youngest by chance...autos are not my forte as we all can see lol