Indoor Troy's Dungeon - Guillotine, Heavy LST and more

I'm new too, started 7 months ago. Previous experience was 30 years ago with bag seed on a window sill. That failed btw lol

Sent from my comfy chair. Link to my grows.
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:greenthumb: Love it. My first grows were also bag seeds. I had good luck with mine and grew them outside in between a corn crop. The corn acted as a good camouflage. Even though they were outdoor I grew them in 5 gallon pots and will bring them inside one at a time to defoliate. Really got a great harvest. Unfortunately my ex- was pissed at me and destroyed my whole harvest. That's grounds for divorce isn't it.
:greenthumb: Love it. My first grows were also bag seeds. I had good luck with mine and grew them outside in between a corn crop. The corn acted as a good camouflage. Even though they were outdoor I grew them in 5 gallon pots and will bring them inside one at a time to defoliate. Really got a great harvest. Unfortunately my ex- was pissed at me and destroyed my whole harvest. That's grounds for divorce isn't it.
Divorce or smoke a fat one and say "fuck it"!

Sent from my comfy chair. Link to my grows.
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Update - 2/21/18 Today I'm going to post all 6 of my Girls -

Dee (Daiquiri Lime)- Day 33
She really grew over night. Putting on some height.


Alison (Alien v Triangle)- Day 22


Cheese (Cheese) - Day 26

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Here’s a comparison of Alison first thing this morning and after her LST tightening. By tomorrow she will cover the area that was opened up.


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February 23 another week flies by.

DP AutoUltimate

Olga - Day 28


Mrs G - Day 18


Briar Rose - Day 26


DP Daiquiri Lime - Day 35

Really getting bushy. LST main shoot to bring height to canopy.

Dee - Day 38


Carol - Day 28


Alison -Day 24


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