Troubleshooting Slow growth and color loss (Seedling stage is all I know)

May 29, 2020
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Hey peeps.. first thread here.

My name says it all. Almost a quarter century of getting high and just decided to try to grow my own.
So this is my second attempt. First 2 plants ended in the bin. (I put coffee in the soil and burnt em on top of over watering)

Set up: (Indoors South Europe Summer)
Day: temp 90 - 100F RH 70 - 75%
Night: temp 85 - 90F RH 70 - 75%

2'7'' x 2'7'' x 5'4''
BestVa 600w Reflector
No extractor or Intake fans, no A7C, no de/Humidifier, no carbon filter
2 x 15w indoor fans (one bottom on 3/4 way up top)
1.5 gallon Clay pots
Basic soil with little nutrients, PH 6 to 6.5 + Perlite
Mineral water PH 6.39
No nutrients yet

2 seeds, 1 auto WW from RQS (Shanz), and 1 unknown photo (Tabrouka) ...yes I name my plants
Germinating was quick for both, but Shanz is 6 days older. Shanz in Grow Chamber, Tabrouka in paper towel

I will mention something I think is important: I count days from sowing and consider a plant a seedling until the stem starts thickening, just so we understand each other.

So there's my problem:
-Until day 7 to 10, everything is sweet, and my little ones look nice and a healthy dark green.
-From then on, their growth slow down, and they start losing that dark green to turn into a lighter green that looks like Green Giant with a hangover. (I have to be honest and admit that I may have let RH around 60% which I believe is too low for the temps I have here)
-Now day 15 to 20, stems have not thicken, but leaves have not gone lighter and are pretty steady, but they still look so small to me.

My conclusions:
I believe I dealt with the over watering issue and understood that I have to be very careful with nutes with my very swift first grow. I now try to understand this loss of color and slow growth of my second one.
Next step in my troubleshooting is to boil my mineral water before the next watering, as it might contain too much chlorine, sodium or other things.

If anybody can help, it's appreciated.. (or maybe I'm paranoid, but anyways learning something at an age you think you know stuff can often be problematic)
I will update contents soon

(Sorry about the pics, they are either missing some color or a bit blurry, but it will get better)


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All I'd say is be a lil more patient, there's not a lot to see at this stage and certainly nothing to troubleshoot. Until they get into proper veg you just need to check once each day that their soil is not too dry. If it's dry 2cm below the surface, give some water. If it's moist, leave the plants to do their thing and check again tomorrow!
Thanks for that @fauxnacho . Here's a little update from this morning.


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Little update out of the tent. Defo slow growth and now we can see that the color has gone almost yellow on the first leaves (left).
Any thoughts?


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I think you are over watering those seedlings. You dont need to water the entire pot until the leaves of the plant reach the edges of the pot. You want the roots to "search for water". Thats what promotes growth. If the roots are always sitting in damp soil, they wont grow, because there is no need to keep searching for water. It looks like slow root growth due to over watering.
@Proph I keep getting the impression I over water, but with a mere 1/3 of a pint of water every two days I thought I was doing good. I will hold on then and wait.
Thanks you.
The colour looks to me similar to when I drowned a seedling and when I took clones which failed cos they got waterlogged. Maybe these will recover if you let them dry or maybe they already drowned too. Dope will grow in perfect soil or crappy soil, light or heavy soil, clay rich soil, sandy soil, it can handle anything except wet sodden soil. Step back and stop watering altogether for a long time see if they perk up. If not, try again with new soil, new seeds and keep it more dry :greenthumb:
Thanks for the positive comments @fauxnacho. Really thought I had it with the watering. Well it's been 3 days since I watered them. I'll keep waiting and check them up carefully.
Thanks for the positive comments @fauxnacho. Really thought I had it with the watering. Well it's been 3 days since I watered them. I'll keep waiting and check them up carefully.
Cheers brother you'll get it soon enough. I'll leave a pic below showing how dry I let mine get. The one on the right is just about due water. 2cm below the top should be a barely moist