Tried to supercrop or lst auto stem alsmost completely snapped half….

Mar 3, 2022
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Still connected I taped it with blue tape the stem snapped clean still a little connected though to the plant just hanging by a “thread “ u think it will be alright ??? Here’s a pic it’s weird I usually grab stem when I supercrop and tie to bottom but this plant straight snapped like it had no bend to it ..


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Still connected I taped it with blue tape the stem snapped clean still a little connected though to the plant just hanging by a “thread “ u think it will be alright ??? Here’s a pic it’s weird I usually grab stem when I supercrop and tie to bottom but this plant straight snapped like it had no bend to it ..
If you can pull it back when you tape it so it is tight they will usually heal right up like it never happened.
just tape it up as @olbobcat says I've done it many times it may stunt it but I've had them grow like crazy
Does a spider farmer 4000 450 watt really cover 5x5 for veg because it would have to be like 48 inches above canapoy to cover that much ….wouldn’t thar hurt growth …just asking because I have 4 plants I wanna put under a 2x2 area under 250 watt hps…would that be better than to just put all the plants under the spider farmer which would make it about a 5x5 veg…450 watts …because to get 5x5 veg I’d have to raise it but if I put those other 4 plants under different light I can move the spider farmer board closer to the 9 plants …3x3 area ….I’m asking cuz I’m confused about being almost 4 feet above with led sf light and I could put seperate 4 plants under 250 w hps closer (like 12 inches from canapy) you think that would be the more better option for more short compact nodes denser buds n stuff?… sorry for long questions
I've snapped them too, it hung 180 degrees by the tiniest sliver. I repaired it with a silicone blister band-aid.

The quicker you do it, the more chance of success. The broken ends need to touch. Add a stick, or some other support to keep slight pressure on it, and avoid disturbing it till it heals, at least a week.

I've never had one not recover.
Well I moved the light up on of the leaves was curling up ckrinkled looking and I touched it it was like dust it was so dry it crumpled so I figured I’ll move it up 36 inches above canopy for veg n see one to the right it a auto I snapped and taped its stunted a lil bit


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Love the low budget reflector. I'm using mylar foil, about a dollar each, as big as a shower curtain.