6'x 7' room. Dual 3ft trays. 9 chilled logic 100 watt pucks, 2 100 watt chilled boards, exhale xl bag, 5 gallon air pots.
Fighting an issue with 2 of the plants as well as a runt with a seed shedding issue.
2x greenomatic
2x pandora
1x pineapple express
1x critical + 2.0
1x blue mammoth
Growing in a mix of 35% coco, 50% ffof, 15% perlite. Mixed in a healthy portion of worm castings, recharge, and a good bit of kelp meal. Started the seeds in final pots by saving some coco and maintaining a solo cup sized hole in the center. Wondering if that's where my issue came from with 2 seedlings appearing to be cal mag deficient.
Waiting another week or two and we will start another 5 seeds and keep this perpetual deal going!
Temps in the sealed room fluctuate between 72 and 86 with 50-75% humidity.
Fighting an issue with 2 of the plants as well as a runt with a seed shedding issue.
2x greenomatic
2x pandora
1x pineapple express
1x critical + 2.0
1x blue mammoth
Growing in a mix of 35% coco, 50% ffof, 15% perlite. Mixed in a healthy portion of worm castings, recharge, and a good bit of kelp meal. Started the seeds in final pots by saving some coco and maintaining a solo cup sized hole in the center. Wondering if that's where my issue came from with 2 seedlings appearing to be cal mag deficient.
Waiting another week or two and we will start another 5 seeds and keep this perpetual deal going!
Temps in the sealed room fluctuate between 72 and 86 with 50-75% humidity.