Dinafem Trap's Industrial Plant CBD & Haze CBD Autos

Thanks, D-M. That's the plan
(When I type D-M, it makes me think of Dungeons & Dragons - Does that make me old? or a nerd? or both ;)

Looks like I.P. is having a not-so-good germ so I dropped a back up...no sweat!

I would say a bit of both lol :toke: Sorry to hear of poor germination with the I.P please keep me posted on this issue

All the best

Okay, can do ;)

I had dropped another IP just in case number one didn't surface, but no.1 DID surface this morning...
Only problem is that it appears as though IP #1 only developed one cotyledon...


But I potted her up anyway...thinking she probably needed some light after such a tough birth.

I am keeping the IP#2 on the wifi and if it appears more "normal" upon surfacing, I'll cull #1
and pot #2 in its place.

So all fine on this front and the Haze is kicking butt. stem is already hardened and the first
set of leaves is gaining size.
Completely subbed up for this grow brother!

I am one that needs high CBD numbers due to spinal issues, and severe daily Chronic Pain. Waiting on two level fusion on my lumbar right now. That being said I truly hope the high CBD ratios do come out on these. If the numbers do come out as Dinafem states, I will scrape some funds together to test for myself.

I am growing out some high CBD photoperiods right now, but would like to find some truly high CBD AutoFlowers for obvious reasons.

Anyway, Dianfem could not have had a better grower to test these out!

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Thanks, Stick very nice of you to say...

We are on the same page for looking forward to the potential efficacy on these...
My L5-S1 is occupying about a third of the vertical space that came stock...and bulging
into a nerve-root group. Corticosteroids used to help for almost a year. I got about a
month of relief out of the last two rounds. Although the first round of shots came
about 48 hours before I got my elk and carried two quarters out...so I didn't blame
that round for petering out early ;)
Trap, so sorry to hear that your lumbar is in such bad shape as well. My L4 has moved forward, and L3 has moved backward, thus kinking my spinal column. Severe Spinal Stenosis, and like you the nerve roots are being severely pinched, causing severe Sciatica on my right side radiating clear down to my foot. I keep using the term 'severe', as that is what my last MRI states. The shots did not work for me at all, and have done every form of PT possible. I declined Lumbar surgery six years ago, but can barely walk these days. Major surgery is my only option now. Hard for us that were formerly very physicaly active.

I already had a three level Discectomy/Fusion on C3-5 three years ago. Also Total Knee Replacement four years ago, with a revision on it two years ago. Pain is still constant around my artificial knee.

I sincerely hope you find relief with the strains that you are currently growing!

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So, I had dropped a second IP in case IP 1 didn't surface...she did but with only one cotyledon....
I decided to let #1 develop until #2 surfaced then decide which got the bin. IP #1 looked not only
to have had a tough germ but looked to have been mutated a bit...


and #2 surfaced normally overnight...


So #2 took over as representative of the IP line here ;)

Cheers All!