Trap's HBTS - by RoninGarden





totally different weight-class
All right, a couple pics of the ri-DONK-ulous HBTS on Day 46
Had to tie her up a little more, getting tight in the tent.

Contemplating topping her so I can get the lights closer to the secondaries.



Looks great Trapper, love the qulaity of your pictures.

In my own honest opinion topping a plant at this late stage might not be a great advantage. I get your theory to get more light closer to the lower canopy but removing that main center bud might really effect the total yield.

Im sure 1/4-1/3 of the plants total yield can come for the main bud it would be interesting to see if you can really push the lower buds to make up for the missing bit.

Looking forward to your next update.
Yeah...I don't know. I don't think taking the top 4 or 5 inches off (that really only removes 3 or 4 nodes) represents 25%-33% of the entire yield.
I was thinking I'd lose around 7 to 10 grams dry at most (going off what the top cola usually weighs for me) There's still roughly half of what
would be considered the main cola still present. I also think that with the more "economical" LEDs like I have, the range of distance that can be
considered "good penetration/light effectiveness" is smaller. There is a strong and clear "point of diminishing returns" on a 4 year-old 135W UFO
such as the one hovering above this HBTS. The Reflector is helping on one side but it's just basically two 135W UFOs together.

I've witnessed MUCH denser and bigger buds when these LEDs of mine are right on top of the plant AND density issues when they are too far away.

So pulling an extra gram off each of the 16+ secondaries more than makes up for the top 4 or 5 inches. At least that's my operational justification.

On this plant, the secondaries are just magnificent and it's these that I want to foster.

Pics on Day 50



She's drinking like a friggen lush. I've begun filling the drip tray with 1500ml of feed in
addition to the 1500 going into the pot and she's slamming it like a frat house drinking game.

Alright, here's a couple "out of tent" pics....last time until chop as she's real precarious
and hard to move around without dangerous swaying.

Day 51



Bulk time!