Mephisto Genetics Trap & Tyrone

Me too! :)

Starting off way better than my second grow....totally had to be the medium.
Give em some carbs!! Lots of carbs!! Crboload or Molasses!! Lots of carbs!!

Yup, every other "water only" (which is actually CaMg+/Armor Si/Kangaroots) will get 50/50 CaMg/Molasses
instead of just the least that's the plan. :)

Day 15

Gave the twins their first real feed today. (They went about 3 days from their first full pot soak)
The FFHF doesn't hold as much water as the 50/50 so it only takes around 800 mL to get to the proper run-off.

They got 800mL of Primo each with:

.5 tsp. - GH CaMg+
.75 tsp. - Big Bloom
.5 tsp. - Grow Big
.125 tsp. - Tiger Bloom
.125 tsp. - Boomerang
.125 tsp. - Microbe Brew
4 drops - Armor Si

pH'd to 6.3 - Starting pH of the soil was 6.5

I'll wait a couple days for glamor shots :)
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I'll wait a couple days for glamor shots :)

Just saw the news. Now I know why you were holding off on the pics.
A little too much peanutbuttercrack maybe?
Eww omg what happened to Mary Kate, if that's surgery, the surgeon should be fired, she looks like Sheryl Crow now lols
Eww omg what happened to Mary Kate, if that's surgery, the surgeon should be fired, she looks like Sheryl Crow now lols

Yeah...if by "surgery" you mean blow, crack and heroin. The only difference between those two is that one has been ridden through the night and put away wet,
and the other hasn't....(for proof, refer to recent pictures of Lindsay Lohan)
Yeah, Lohan grosses me out. She was almost hot for a minute, wayyy back when barely started in film, then her voice got all raspy crackly from cigs and hell knows what drugs lol, and her skin is all burnt and leathery looking lol like an antique gucci purse hahaaa!
Yeah, in Mean Girls she was smoking hot now she looks like a Ranch Hand's old saddle.