Mephisto Genetics Trap & Tyrone

Thanks, TGB....feels good to have a normal start after the last debacle... :)
It's about to be back to ass kicking, show stopping, buds again for you!
...and that naturally green-as-hell thumb of yours
perfect time to pinch little ashleys just sayin
Olsen Twin News Flash - Day 22:

Both look happy!


Mary Kate:

And a cab shot w/ the girls neighbors:

Hoping they stay on this healthy path :)

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Update on the girls....they really do now have their own individual identities... LOL! :)

Day 24 -

Mary Kate:


Their paths are now very divergent. MK is feeding every 3 days, Ashley isn't drinking as fast.
It's my hope that moving forward with these Mephisto strains (and everything really) that the new Ronin method of
germination I'm using will standardize the growth a bit and take away any weird seedling lift-off anomalies. :)

MK is prototypical, Ashley got stunted and continues to have developmental troubles due to that tap root issue out of
the gates. Looking to eliminate that.
Oh Hey, BTW.....these gals are CaMg hogs...I've had to up all the way to 1 tsp. per liter...nothing catastrophic or anything, just some fan fade.