Hi, Muddy!
I just read what you wrote about Tiered Transplant method. That sounds real interesting.
Maybe i should try that with one of my smaller plants.
Btw, i found a male today.
But i haven´t seen any more males, or females either. But they will show later, right?
I germinated five of the total ten LR´s that i bought in Christiania a couple of weeks ago. Four of the five was female, and i hope it´s the only male out of the four that i have now.
Plant 1. I have a question about one of the plants. One of them is in a lighter green then the others. I have a picture, but it´s much more noticible when you see it irl. I hope someone have experience with this.
First pic. Look at the brown spots.
Here she is with another plant. You can compare the color and see that the one on the right is slightly darker. In real life the contrast is much more noticeable.
A leaf of the plant. This is leaf that´s in worse shape.
Do you see the brown spots on the leaves? The spots are showing more and more i think. I don´t think it is any nutrition deficiancy. I am passionate and interested in the subject, but i´m kind of new to this still. So i need a second opinion from a veteran.
Plant 2. Here´s the tallest plant i have that´s the only one thats really got hurt from the light. This one was the first that had brown hairs. I don´t know if it´s from the light or if it´s getting closer to harvest. Do anybody think that it is something wrong? It´s on the upper half of the plant so it´s probably no N, P, K deficiancy.
Same plant.
Plant 3. Then i am kind of wondering about my smallest and fattest babygirl. The have some funny yellowish/green shaded spots on the leaves. It looks kinda cool i think, but i want to know what´s up.
This picture is bad quality, but you´ll see them if you look close.
Here she is in the tent. The light blur the pic but i hope you can see it anyway.
I know that the plants are just fine. This is my first indoor grow so i want to learn as much as possible so that i can figure out what´s wrong myself and know what to do if something happens in my future grows. And be able to help out with various problems beginners may have. Like Muddy.
All feedback is welcome.
Here´s a pic of the girls in the tent.
My favorite is the one in the upper right corner.
And here are a pic of my two biggest females.
My #1 again.
I tucked the fanleaf that is shading the lower growth as you see.
I am thinking about soon posting a growdiary maybe. I just have to motivate myself.
I hope you will enjoy the pictures. Sorry that they aren´t better quality.