Not an expert BTW. I seem to always do it before a fertigation and then give her a good spray of kelp foliar spray. Seems to work for me plants don't look to slow down either.
Others will chip in with a more educated opinion.
Good luck!
Not an expert BTW. I seem to always do it before a fertigation and then give her a good spray of kelp foliar spray. Seems to work for me plants don't look to slow down either.
Others will chip in with a more educated opinion.
Good luck!
Thanks for chiming in! Your suggestions seem to be very logical. I ended up topping the first two plants last night and will give a 5:2 fulvic/kelp foliar in a few hours right before lights on. There was noticeable growth over night which I was surprised by.
Will have to feed in another day or two which will time out perfect for the other two plants. Will maybe experiment and do one with a foliar before feed/water and one after to see if there is any difference.
When you do your foliar, do you spray the cut stem where you topped directly?
Thanks again and will post up if I see any difference in the methods...
I pretty much top them all now, I just prefer the bushier growth form and lower height. I have never paid attention to when I top, and have never done anything extra like foliar treatment. As far as I can tell, I have yet to have a plant slow down much as a result. They all seem to be back in boogie mode in a day or two at the most.
I top a bit differently than some peeps do, I chop the central growth tip when it is really small, as in just big enough for me to snip the main stem. I do not wait until actual leaf development above the cut point. I figure that doing it this way wastes less plant resources growing stuff that gets binned, and may get the hormonal shift of apical dominance done quicker. Just theory, but it seems to work for me.
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