Outdoor Top quality, medium to heavy yields?


Mar 3, 2013
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What's up friends? Been a while, hope everyone I know is doing well and staying out of jail. I have been on a hiatus for quite some time kind of doing my own thing and laying low. Anyways as usual, I have been out of the Auto game for a while and am getting ready to for Spring. I would like to start a few dozen inside and move outside when it warms up so I can harvest mid summer before the choppers start flying around my parts.

So, with that being said, I am turning to the community to see what is good right now. I haven't really kept up with Autos the past few years and am looking to see what the outdoors people recommend. I am looking for quality more than weight but weight is always a nice addition. I know DP, DF and all the big hitters put out the auto ultimates and such but is there anything out there right now that is fire? Also, has anyone got a true, decent sativa strain yet?

Thanks in advance for any comments or recommendations you may be able to provide.
What's up friends? Been a while, hope everyone I know is doing well and staying out of jail. I have been on a hiatus for quite some time kind of doing my own thing and laying low. Anyways as usual, I have been out of the Auto game for a while and am getting ready to for Spring. I would like to start a few dozen inside and move outside when it warms up so I can harvest mid summer before the choppers start flying around my parts.

So, with that being said, I am turning to the community to see what is good right now. I haven't really kept up with Autos the past few years and am looking to see what the outdoors people recommend. I am looking for quality more than weight but weight is always a nice addition. I know DP, DF and all the big hitters put out the auto ultimates and such but is there anything out there right now that is fire? Also, has anyone got a true, decent sativa strain yet?

Thanks in advance for any comments or recommendations you may be able to provide.
Hey man, good to see you.. best two I've smoked recently are Lsdiesel by Magic and white widow by Dinafem.. hope that helps and hope to see ya around more
Hey man, good to see you.. best two I've smoked recently are Lsdiesel by Magic and white widow by Dinafem.. hope that helps and hope to see ya around more
Thanks bro! Magic is hitting it hard huh? With the drive and motivation he has I knew he would do good. Good to hear. WW Auto is still top quality, even with all the new stuff out these past few years?

I am going to try and get more involved. I have been shut down for a year or so now. No heat really, just too many people asking too many questions, passing too much word. You know the story, 3 people can keep a secret if 2 are dead. We will see what the new year brings but there won't be much indoor for a while, just getting ready for outdoor. Thanks again step, good to see you are still around.
@A4 Great to see you!! How's things!! Right on outdoor!! Did 2 autoultimates last season outdoors, one cookies, one Brooklyn sunrise and one daiquiri lime. I am blown away by the Brooklyn Sunrise. Not super resilient to cold or the biggest yielder(112 grams dry), but the smoke is awesome(fun sativa uphigh) and my plant was exceptional for resistance to mold. Daiquiri Lime if you don't have high humidity...love the smoke again, but she isn't too resistant to mold...still though I pulled 165 grams from the plant.
:bighug:A4 my brudda! :pass:...you snuck another one by me again,... :haha:
Oh man, the sea of genetics is deeper than ever! ..So, off the top of me head:
As usual, anything Mephisto is superb (check out their website, they have a nice downloadable strain guide)... For Sati'-dom. goodness, the Fantasmo Express (Ghost Train Haze) is excellent! Mine little one had big potency and totally Sati' buzz effects, wonderful aromatics,... SODK is another fine choice,... The Tyrone Special (part Green Crack) has a nice upbeat buzz I'm told.... Resin factories, though not Sat-dom. include Grape Crinkle and Sour Stomper (look these up, crazy resin production)... tons of other excellent more
middle ground" crosses!
FastBuds has been booming too! Green Crack gets rave reviews,... Tangie-Matic too,... Mexican Airlines I hear is fine as well,....
Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze auto is getting a great rep too,...
Dinafem Moby Dick auto is bomb!
Dutch Passion auto Cindy Jack, Brooklyn Sunrise (NY Diesel/AK47),...
Sweet Seeds-- Jack 47, Ice Cool,...

.... I'll pick some other brains too for real deal Sati-dom. choices my friend! :pass:
:bighug:A4 my brudda! :pass:...you snuck another one by me again,... :haha:
Oh man, the sea of genetics is deeper than ever! ..So, off the top of me head:
As usual, anything Mephisto is superb (check out their website, they have a nice downloadable strain guide)... For Sati'-dom. goodness, the Fantasmo Express (Ghost Train Haze) is excellent! Mine little one had big potency and totally Sati' buzz effects, wonderful aromatics,... SODK is another fine choice,... The Tyrone Special (part Green Crack) has a nice upbeat buzz I'm told.... Resin factories, though not Sat-dom. include Grape Crinkle and Sour Stomper (look these up, crazy resin production)... tons of other excellent more
middle ground" crosses!
FastBuds has been booming too! Green Crack gets rave reviews,... Tangie-Matic too,... Mexican Airlines I hear is fine as well,....
Delicious Seeds Critical Neville Haze auto is getting a great rep too,...
Dinafem Moby Dick auto is bomb!
Dutch Passion auto Cindy Jack, Brooklyn Sunrise (NY Diesel/AK47),...
Sweet Seeds-- Jack 47, Ice Cool,...

.... I'll pick some other brains too for real deal Sati-dom. choices my friend! :pass:

Thanks Waira! Just got my order in for some FastBuds. After looking everything on the market over, they seem to be breeding towards my palate. That Fantasmo Express does sound pretty good though. Thanks again for the detailed post, I was beginning to think the forum was asleep. Normally you ask for genetics and people come out of the woodwork with recommendations. I was hearing crickets, lol. Then again, I am always looking for the strange stuff that no one else wants, lol.
I am excited for a number of waira recommendations...Fantasmo has been on my must try list for quite awhile now...crape crinkle just sounds so good too!! also tangie I want to try.
So great to hear moby is awesome...growing one outdoors this summer, and doing a sweet Jack 47 fast photo.
:doh:--forgot to add what 'GS said before-- there's your direct consult! He's my OD hero- :d5: :greenthumb:...look up the outstanding Smoke reports on his strains, you'll find them to be of particular interest to you I believe,...
:rofl:--Well, this section isn't the most high profile mate,... if you post this up where there's traffic, you'll get bombed with recommendations! And always feel free to nudge Staff... did you see Muddy is back in action? :woohoo1: he'll have some nice calls as well no doubt,...
Ayuh! FB's has make a solid splash here, for good reason :thumbsup:... which strains did you get? .... that Fantasmo Ex' is worthy A4, get some! Our good brother GBD here in the states is now a seed hub, so access is a snap, and you know you'll get extra's and killer freebies-- request ones you like, or chat with him on buzz effects; some hit more like Sativa's even if they aren't strongly dominant by %,... If you're a Bubblegum fan, the HBSS is a big yielder, and very potent,.. Waxi
Magic is indeed showing fine breeder skills, and some of our best growers (Trapper, Ronin, A-Train, etc.) are running his gear, with fantastic results! You'll have to chat with Magic about what he has that's Sativa dom., or if he has one right now,...
A4, are you running any of the Dr. Grinspoon's again? I still salivate thinking about how that run turned out! That had a strong Sati' buzz too, didn't it?
Ayuh! FB's has make a solid splash here, for good reason :thumbsup:... which strains did you get?
LSD25, Gorilla Glue and West Coast OG for starters. Just trying a few of their heavy hitters to check the quality. They seem to be fire according to reviews. Will be interesting to see how they compare to the photo versions.

Our good brother GBD here in the states is now a seed hub, so access is a snap, and you know you'll get extra's and killer freebies-- request ones you like, or chat with him on buzz effects; some hit more like Sativa's even if they aren't strongly dominant by %,...

Who is GBD and he/she is distributing out of the States? I need a website or contact info. Will definitely be paying a call. My arsehole draws up every time I have to see Jamaica NY on my tracking number, lol. I hate going through customs.

A4, are you running any of the Dr. Grinspoon's again? I still salivate thinking about how that run turned out! That had a strong Sati' buzz too, didn't it?
Not yet, I have been off the wagon for about 6 months now, letting the lights cool down and electric bill settle. I was drawing way to much power and heat in more ways than one so I decided to take a break and just see what turned up. In my neck of the woods it pays to err on the side of safety from time to time. Twas nothing to worry about but made me feel better paying a reasonable electric bill for a while. So, long story short, we have been running on fumes the past few months and I needed to get green quickly. Thus, drop back to autos for a couple of runs just to fill the jars. It's easy peasy lemon squeezy to pack a few jars away quickly with them. My Grinspoons were on the verge of fully auto but not too sure if they were there yet. Should have been around 50/50 this go around but I didn't have the time nor patience to be sorting through several dozen plants right now. I am going through a few Sweet Seeds, and some various freebies at the moment. Will drop the FastBuds as soon as they arrive with plans of finishing them outdoors early and probably drop a few dozen Grinspoons with them to start that up again. Yes, the high was quite impressive, not the racy/speedy typical sati speedball. The Jem in them kept them pretty tame. Still put a wide smile on the old mug with a super clean high without the fog and heaviness that the indica tends to pull out.

I haven't seen Muddy, or really anyone else to be honest. Just back on the forum for a week or so and trying to catch up on old friends at the moment really. Will begin stretching my legs soon and seeing what everyone is doing soon. Things have changed a lot, with my age I don't care much for change but it is what it is. Old makes way for new.

Will see you around buddy. Glad to see you still as active as ever. Some things don't change, lol.