Outdoor Top quality, medium to heavy yields?

I am excited for a number of waira recommendations...Fantasmo has been on my must try list for quite awhile now...crape crinkle just sounds so good too!! also tangie I want to try.
So great to hear moby is awesome...growing one outdoors this summer, and doing a sweet Jack 47 fast photo.
I don't know about an auto tangie but can tell you the true Tangie from Crockett is almost too unbelievable. The high is nothing to really write home about but the aroma and flavor are second to none. None. Absolutely the best terps ever bred in my opinion. I made several runs of his gear and was not disappointed. Super heavy yielders and every plant carried the terp traits.
I don't know about an auto tangie but can tell you the true Tangie from Crockett is almost too unbelievable. The high is nothing to really write home about but the aroma and flavor are second to none. None. Absolutely the best terps ever bred in my opinion. I made several runs of his gear and was not disappointed. Super heavy yielders and every plant carried the terp traits.

I would so grow a tangie, but I have not found one that will finish in my outdoor time frame(ideally Oct, latest would be 15th but must deal with multiple frosts). Sounds incredible!!
I would so grow a tangie, but I have not found one that will finish in my outdoor time frame(ideally Oct, latest would be 15th but must deal with multiple frosts). Sounds incredible!!
I was running around 65 days with them. I know you are pretty far up north but that isn't too outlandish for satis.
@A4 - nice fastbuds lineup man!! I was chatting with fastbuds during he interview and they said every one of teir strains is well suited to outdoors and most are very resilient to mold. I am extremely interested in hearing how they do for you. DO you have high humidity to deal with during flower?

:doh:--forgot to add what 'GS said before-- there's your direct consult! He's my OD hero- :d5: :greenthumb:...look up the outstanding Smoke reports on his strains, you'll find them to be of particular interest to you I believe,...
:rofl:--Well, this section isn't the most high profile mate,... if you post this up where there's traffic, you'll get bombed with recommendations! And always feel free to nudge Staff... did you see Muddy is back in action? :woohoo1: he'll have some nice calls as well no doubt,...
Ayuh! FB's has make a solid splash here, for good reason :thumbsup:... which strains did you get? .... that Fantasmo Ex' is worthy A4, get some! Our good brother GBD here in the states is now a seed hub, so access is a snap, and you know you'll get extra's and killer freebies-- request ones you like, or chat with him on buzz effects; some hit more like Sativa's even if they aren't strongly dominant by %,... If you're a Bubblegum fan, the HBSS is a big yielder, and very potent,.. Waxi
Magic is indeed showing fine breeder skills, and some of our best growers (Trapper, Ronin, A-Train, etc.) are running his gear, with fantastic results! You'll have to chat with Magic about what he has that's Sativa dom., or if he has one right now,...
A4, are you running any of the Dr. Grinspoon's again? I still salivate thinking about how that run turned out! That had a strong Sati' buzz too, didn't it?

Ahh you'll make me blush with comments like that bud! Thanks a lot man, I am trying to make the most in depth smoke and outdoor grow reports in existence!
I am trying to change that traffic thing with this section waira!! We need more sun grows...I certainly see the potential with outdoor autos!!

Grinspoon auto! Cool!
I was running around 65 days with them. I know you are pretty far up north but that isn't too outlandish for satis.

That is fairly speedy for a sativa
Hmm I wonder how many hours of daylight they need to trigger into flower...we are at 16.5 daylight hours at the peak and lose 3-5 minutes daily. Do you know if crockett lists an expected outdoor finish time on their site?(my internet is so bad It would take me all night to get the site loaded...lol)
That is fairly speedy for a sativa
Hmm I wonder how many hours of daylight they need to trigger into flower...we are at 16.5 daylight hours at the peak and lose 3-5 minutes daily. Do you know if crockett lists an expected outdoor finish time on their site?(my internet is so bad It would take me all night to get the site loaded...lol)

Tangie has been on the farm for over a decade, its lineage dates back to the mid 90's. Easily one of the most fragrant flowers I have ever come across. Tastes and smells like the fruit!! Tangie has won over twenty awards in two years. Very reliable indoors and out. Expect big yield outdoors in mid October, and indoor 9-10 wks.

Flowering Time Indoor: 62 - 68 days (~65 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is ordinary.
General Impression Indoor: is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed affects slightly above average.
Votings of our users: Crockett's Tangie gets 7.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!
Tangie has been on the farm for over a decade, its lineage dates back to the mid 90's. Easily one of the most fragrant flowers I have ever come across. Tastes and smells like the fruit!! Tangie has won over twenty awards in two years. Very reliable indoors and out. Expect big yield outdoors in mid October, and indoor 9-10 wks.

Flowering Time Indoor: 62 - 68 days (~65 days)
Yield / Quantity Indoor: The crop of this strain is ordinary.
General Impression Indoor: is all together insane strain - absolutely recommendable.
Strength / Lasting Effect: The weed affects slightly above average.
Votings of our users: Crockett's Tangie gets 7.00 of 10 possible Points in the average!

Hey thanks for taking the time to copy that for me bud.
Ahh okay...yes I have ton a bunch of research on it then, and found many guys outdoor grows finished into early November. But hmmmm they say mid oct...early phenos I could get away with. Its going on the to try list!! I got a really nice citrus orange smell profile from DPs Orange Hill Special this summer, but she didnt finish until oct 15th and dealt with cold weather the last almost 3 weeks, with half a dozen frost nights. Great smoke but yield was robbed from losing out on the bulking up phase.
Greetings @A4
Not sure if you are looking for Sativa autos if so .A friend of mine has been on the hunt for a real auto sati for a few years now and is most impressed with this strain out of all that he has grown over the years.
World of Seeds Bank - Wild Thailand Ryder
Wild Thailand Ryder is a cross between a pure strain from the islands of the Ko Chang archipelago (Thailand) with one of the highest THC levels in the world and a Ruderalis.

Crossing with an excellent Cannabis Ruderalis specimen over several generations through backcrossing produces a strain with Asian sativa characteristics that is programmed to flower automatically.

Wild Thailand Auto can be grown indoors or outside where she can easily expected to reach a height of 150cm, or more. As flowering is not dependent on photoperiod, she can be grown at any time of the year though the better the climatic conditions, the higher the yields.

A good tip for growing outdoors is to sow when the good weather starts and again a few days before harvesting the first batch to give us two crops a year. Some growers do more than two although unfavourable climatic conditions usually mean these additional harvests tend to be less productive.

Indoors we recommend 20 hours of light and 4 hours’ darkness during the whole cycle.

This strain is very strong with a highly euphoric, almost exhilirating, effect that can be highly medicinal. The taste and aroma, like her ancestor, is citrussy floral with a hint of incense.

Hope this helps,
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@A4-- :doh: pardon the delayed reaction time! :dizzy:... oh!- my bad on phrasing, GBD is Mephisto's associate here in the States, and should have the full spread on hand... no F'ing Customs :finger:, no more sphincter winking! :yay: :rofl:

LSD25, Gorilla Glue and West Coast OG for starters. Just trying a few of their heavy hitters to check the quality. They seem to be fire according to reviews. Will be interesting to see how they compare to the photo versions.
-- This is what I really want to see more of here-- auto & photo' parent co-grows, and why not, we have so many "bi'" growers here! :rofl: Even better if they get lab testing done,.. the best combo of objective and subjective analysis :thumbsup:...

:baked:...stoner me forgot to finish a sentence above... Waxi' has grown several HBSS's pretty much has one+ in constant rotation now-- a ringing endorsement indeed :biggrin:

... @StickMan :headbang:-yes!! I forgot that one completely, and it's usually the first one outta my mouth!
:haha: -- A4, I second Stick's recommendation of WTR, it's stellar! I'm very seriously thinking of trying the parent Wild Thai this year, but the bloom time has me a bit concerned for my area,..

Wise call on the little break my friend,.. trust your instincts! Even if it hurts later- :rofl: ... I'm going nuts not being able to grow (lagging on that PM) at this time; the little courtyard is OD's, and it's too cold and rainy to run my ghetto set-up! And despite my best efforts, I have still managed to accumulate a nice stash of seeds, all of which are barking at me to get busy,...:coffee:... Hey, I forget, have you run some of Sweets F1FV line yet? Wow, are they a hoot! Bloom speed is nearly as fast as a full auto... I sure I mentioned Green Poison before, that one will have your snoot pasted to the jar constantly!
:woohoo:doood! Are you really going to dive back in to the Grinner auto's soon? I am damn excited about that - :d5: ...the color spread you got from those mighty JEM genes was amazing.. I'm gonna have to go back and review that grow again,... I think you said the buzzes were all close pheno-to-pheno, aroma's too? ... This would be F3's coming up? I will beg for fem's-:bow: :rofl:
I spotted your new thread, so I'll swing by there for sure! I had a small bud of Strawberry Fields recently, and I loved it! -the aroma is heaven... :drool:..... :pighug: thanks brudda, good to have you about as well!
@StickMan my man! Always coming through in the clutch and knows exactly what I am looking for. Thanks bro, I haven't heard of that one and all the WoS gear I have grown has always been good quality. I don't understand why they aren't a more popular breeder but my assumption is it's because they don't name their seeds some hip name like super lollypop jollyrancher weed. I will head over to my favorite seed store and pick up a few of those. Thanks again brother. BTW, where are your threads? I tried to look at your profile to see if you had anything going and your security is locked down too tight for me to see. Shoot me a link brother!

@Waira Thanks man. Some things never change and your ability to write in emojis is one of them, lol. It wasn't too big of a deal, my daughter's boyfriend made saw my ark of the covenant glowing one night and wondered out there before I knew about it. After quite a long sit down, questioning and a lecture on the do's and don'ts of information, I still decided I would give it 6 months or so just to ensure that he knew I didn't trust him yet.

I have the Black Cream growing right now and have grown their Green Poison. You're right, the aroma is to die for but I wasn't too impressed with their overall potency.

Of course, I can't give up on the spoons. Yes, the high was pretty much the same across the board and picked up colors in over half them. The aromas, for whatever reason was almost all orange flavored. Your memory is better than mine and thankfully we have a good thread here to refer to because honestly I don't remember much of anything other than that. I know that everyone liked the high but I do remember it wasn't a soaring high like you would expect from such a sati heirloom variety. Then again, neither was their parents. I always expected a coffee and coke heart pounder out of all the seeds I grew out and didn't find one pheno that fit the bill. I didn't get any of the strings of pearls in the original plants either but I did find a couple of the crosses that I made started those funky offshoots late into the grow so it was in the genetics but I think that may be more of a mutation than a good characteristic. It seemed like late foxtailing, except the foxtails were long runners of calyxes on a thin string. I think, like many breeders today, the Grinspoon is more about marketing than anything.

Be well buddy! Looking forward to the season to be upon you. I always enjoyed your "ghetto setup" if that's what you like to call it. Always seemed like a pretty good setup to me.