New Grower Too much Perlite can Mess things UP ??? Help The NooB strikes back

I used both over 1,5 Decades to Incubate my Python and other Snake Eggs from my Experience they Both hold Similar content of Water. Perlite might be a few % under the Vermiculite and im writing bout own Eperience atm in a 1 on 1 Comparison of 2 Supernatural Ogs the one without Perlite in the Coco defo has the better Dryout Cycle and Growth/Rootgrowth.
Humm very interesting being that you have hands on experience with both vermiculte and perlite
Nah Brother its ok arent we all potheds :P:pass: the 2 cups per 20 liters osunds perfect to me but 50% well then i would rather advice to fully go on Hempybuckets and make a Base of Perlite and Coco on top.but thats a other Topic. You can also go with very easy tricks to a good Air in the Roots..... Soma explained it once in a Article in High Times Magazine. They made a Article bout how he bulds up His Growrooms and he makes Beds(you can adapt this in smaller style for Pots) and makes that Fence for Rabbit Cages on the Bottom some Hydrocorals under that and a Pvc Tube in the Corner of the Pot/Bed.... so the Roots have a Constant Air Circulation and a nice Drain ect also.
WEll Guys Am The Jerk Pan.
I put all together perlite coco soil and some vermiculite. Now the witch's cauldron is ready :growing:Now I go by the symptoms I guess. I must turn to coco . so guys your your advice is coco and vermiculite for faster drainage and airflow? Am I right? Since I have the habit of watering too much and soil gets easily muddy.:help:
images.jpgAbout your lights... Get a screw in socket with receptacles one on either side and screw your y receptacles into each side then you will have 4 bulbs horizontal instead of two vertical
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wot i was even on Ph 6.6 under the Leds cause there they best absorb Calmag was during the Whole Flowerin from my Tyrone and Deep Blue C Test Threat.
5.8 pH is the target, P :) And, it can swing 5.6-6.2 without catastrophy. Some coco growers swear by 6.2 for late flower. I've not tried/experienced that...
My friend Waximus thanks for the ph for coco but I just realise tat my pots `re 50% coco %0 soil. what now? do I have to take another ph scale?
Thanks man and everyone who can help here? :pass:
Howdy all

This is a good question---coco together with perlite. Wouldn't its use push what is normally a 100% semi-hydro coco grown into a near hydro grow due to necessity to water--often.

I am normally a coco grower. Coco is great all alone due to buffering and easy PH control.

Decided to look up perlite--it is used due to its inability to hold water--like all stated in comments. When used as an amendment it has high permeability / low water retention and helps prevent soil compaction When used as an amendment it has high permeability / low water retention and helps prevent soil compaction.

In soil it is a must to include perlite or a amendment to allow for drainage (or vermiculite).

Noted a discussion about lighting--the rule if remember correctly is less water as magnitude of light and associated heat decreases. Yet--one could still have to water frequently if environment is hot yet lighting is low. Balancing between environmental heat and light absorbed by plants.


Peter Pan--at 50/50--go right in the middle of the hydro/soil PH sweet spot and, from time to time, allow to move a bit up and down by a few points still within range---to allow uptake of some nutes that uptake best at either higher or lower ph. That is what I would try.

I am going to have my own challenge with PH for I am trying soil again--with a good deal of perlite--lol.
