TLO: For dummies, from a dummy.

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Are meal worm castings ok to use for super soil or teas?
I don't know anything about meal worm castings for growing but, unless there's no chance of having larva or eggs in them, I would avoid them. They can be destructive to plants. :peace:
Ok thanks I went and bought a bag of earth worm castings to be safe. Too bad was hoping they would be about the same this place sells them 30 pounds for $5 and even give it away free sometimes.
I checked out the link and it does say it's "screened" and they're selling it as fertilizer. Not to mention, $5 for 30# is really cheap. If it were me, I would try it on something I have outside first (on something that isn't real important... non-canna) and see if any meal worms show up. If not, the basic nutrient information looks pretty solid. :peace:
Some meal worms got into our DIY composter. We will test with caution.
I got a bag of that stuff used it for some teas 2-2-2 if I recall. The chitin from the meal worms makes the plants produce chemicals to become pest resistant and it's a different set of microheard than worms.
ok.. so just when I think I'm getting a handle on the "feed the plant" method, I run into this incredibly resourceful thread. The only thing keeping me from using this method on my next grow is the liquid organic fertilizer I have purchased and I'd prefer to use it up first.

Couple quick questions, and I apologize if they've been asked and answered already. I only read through the first 12 pages or so.

1. Is there any way for me to incorporate organic liquid fertilizer before the "cook"? Fish emulsion and/or Buddah Bloom
2. What is the drainage/water retention or wet/dry cycle like for a TLO or "supersoil"? Do you water often?

one more: 3. What ambient temperature range should be used during the "cook"? Its going to be pretty cold outside for me soon.

Thanks and fantastic work here. :dig:

I looked last night and Buddah Bloom is derived from a lot of the same amendments from the existing recipes. I have a feeling I'm going to get the "default answer" for question 1. :wiz:
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I am going organic and this thread caught my eye. I am curious to know if this is considered TLO or just organic
Well here's what I am dumping to go all organic. eeee.jpg Let me know if this in considered TLO or not, and if I might be on the right track to good organic.

I am growing Green Crack, Headband, Vale Vale and Ghost Train Haze and a Northern Lights Blue auto for this round. I have always grown with chemical fertilizers and just want a cleaner smoother med.

My soil:
Sunshine #4
Coast of Maine Lobster compost and blueberry compost
local Fix it Soil ''worm castings''
Dolomite Lime
GH Sub Culture
Peruvian Bird Guano pellets
Crushed Oyster shells

I have had this mix baking for 2 weeks and it will sit for another 3-4 before being used.

Now here is my recipe for my tea mix:

Local PooGuys compost tea mix. I will use their veg mix, transition and Bloom mix. This stuff stinks like a camels ass. ''no I have never smelled a camels ass, just an assumption'' here is a link to see what their about

That is my main ingredient but I will also add:
worm castings
COM lobster compost
COM blueberry compost
Hi-Brix Molasses to feed bacteria for 24/7 brewing
Forest Humus both bought and local
Compost from a local farm including old cow shit, hay, shavings etc but has been broken down and old. I will be using very little of this.
I am mixing 30 gallons at a time and use half of it on one feeding and the other half on the next. I have seen results from a local grower with this and his stuff is the best around imo and a clean burning smoke. The ash from smoking it very light grey almost white and fluffy.

Would love any input or suggestions about my plans. I have everything already just waiting for seedlings to grow out to plant them into soil mixture. As of right now they are in just straight sunshine with light amendments. Should I add or take away anything or am I on the right track for a good organic maybe TLO grow?

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ok.. so just when I think I'm getting a handle on the "feed the plant" method, I run into this incredibly resourceful thread. The only thing keeping me from using this method on my next grow is the liquid organic fertilizer I have purchased and I'd prefer to use it up first.

Couple quick questions, and I apologize if they've been asked and answered already. I only read through the first 12 pages or so.

1. Is there any way for me to incorporate organic liquid fertilizer before the "cook"? Fish emulsion and/or Buddah Bloom
2. What is the drainage/water retention or wet/dry cycle like for a TLO or "supersoil"? Do you water often?

one more: 3. What ambient temperature range should be used during the "cook"? Its going to be pretty cold outside for me soon.

Thanks and fantastic work here. :dig:
you want the soil to stay warm and moist..I water 1nc a week with molasses..when I remember :P
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