NEWS Time to get Political folks!!

OK so chasing down some tidbits on this. Instead of copying I will link the articles. If they are behind a paywall I will attempt to copy and paste the relevant bits.
On March 31st This article about the DOJ asking for a list of Colorado's marijuana cases.

But fortunately the recent budget that just passed does not allow the DOJ to use ANY of it's budget to go after states with Medical laws on the books. This is true until September 2017 when the budget get re-done.
BUT!! Recreational is still a target.

I just found the article I was referring to earlier. It does not specifically mention canna. Sorry I must have thought it did. It is still quite worrisome though for all of our brothers and sisters that live in states where canna is not legal. AG Sessions whats to re-invigorate the "War on Drugs" with stiffer penalties and harsher mandatory sentencing. Argh...

I guess the only conclusion to draw from all of this is that he lied in that Politico article! Go figure...
OK so chasing down some tidbits on this. Instead of copying I will link the articles. If they are behind a paywall I will attempt to copy and paste the relevant bits.
On March 31st This article about the DOJ asking for a list of Colorado's marijuana cases.

But fortunately the recent budget that just passed does not allow the DOJ to use ANY of it's budget to go after states with Medical laws on the books. This is true until September 2017 when the budget get re-done.
BUT!! Recreational is still a target.

I just found the article I was referring to earlier. It does not specifically mention canna. Sorry I must have thought it did. It is still quite worrisome though for all of our brothers and sisters that live in states where canna is not legal. AG Sessions whats to re-invigorate the "War on Drugs" with stiffer penalties and harsher mandatory sentencing. Argh...

I guess the only conclusion to draw from all of this is that he lied in that Politico article! Go figure...
Well we will see what actually happens I believe the money will come into effect. There is a republican (go figure) trying to get marijuana declassified.. he has some backing so we will see how it goes ...
OK so chasing down some tidbits on this. Instead of copying I will link the articles. If they are behind a paywall I will attempt to copy and paste the relevant bits.
On March 31st This article about the DOJ asking for a list of Colorado's marijuana cases.

But fortunately the recent budget that just passed does not allow the DOJ to use ANY of it's budget to go after states with Medical laws on the books. This is true until September 2017 when the budget get re-done.
BUT!! Recreational is still a target.

I just found the article I was referring to earlier. It does not specifically mention canna. Sorry I must have thought it did. It is still quite worrisome though for all of our brothers and sisters that live in states where canna is not legal. AG Sessions whats to re-invigorate the "War on Drugs" with stiffer penalties and harsher mandatory sentencing. Argh...

I guess the only conclusion to draw from all of this is that he lied in that Politico article! Go figure...
Another thing to add. If you are Trump and you want to become more popular legalize it and tax it you are a dam hero
Another thing to add. If you are Trump and you want to become more popular legalize it and tax it you are a dam hero
I live in WA state, and I remember watching the State Rep meetings concerning legalization at the State Level. The rep, putting the bill forth, just spouted on amount the state could collect per annum on sales tax. Vote to pass was unanimous. Legalization at the state level, is shutting the legal med patients out from growing.

Bottom line, as I see it being down graded as far as the drug scheduling is getting rid of the big pharma lobbyist, who we know are the biggest enemy to getting Cannabis re scheduled.

Hey guys, please feel free to delete this post, if it is not relevant to this thread.

Brother @StickMan ! So good to see you about the place. I hope you and yours are doing well.
Ya, that is an urgent issue with the legalization. We must retain the ability to grow our own, We must!!! Legal without the right to grow your own is almost worse than legal!!
Brother @StickMan ! So good to see you about the place. I hope you and yours are doing well.
Ya, that is an urgent issue with the legalization. We must retain the ability to grow our own, We must!!! Legal without the right to grow your own is almost worse than legal!!
If it declassified then they could never stop us
Bottom line, as I see it being down graded as far as the drug scheduling is getting rid of the big pharma lobbyist, who we know are the biggest enemy to getting Cannabis re scheduled.

Hey guys, please feel free to delete this post, if it is not relevant to this thread.

Totally relevant comment @StickMan !
One aspect of many that involvement encompasses is driving lobbyist monies out of DC.