NEWS Time to get Political folks!!


AFN Vibe Guardian
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Nov 6, 2013
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Currently Smoking
anything I can get my hands on!
Did not think I would say those words here!
Please though, let's try to keep this informational and free from controversy if we can. I am writing this as a call to action for everyone here that lives in the States. We need to do something ASAP!! I cannot stress how important this is.
Attorney General Jeff Sessions is out of touch with reality!! He wants to shut down canna use everywhere. Calling out the new potent cannabis for inciting violence. In other words we have an opponent to what we hold dear in a high office in our country, someone with the power to make our lives miserable. AG Sessions could be in trouble though and we should take advantage of that by writing and calling our representatives at all levels and letting them know that this man does not represent us and should be removed from office.

So let this be a clearing house of info regarding this. Again let me stress the importance and ask that we keep it civil. This is a call to action and not a place to air opinion and grievances regarding your political opinions. This man wants to take our beloved plant away from us and we MUST fight back.

PS: If you need names, addresses, etc, for your representatives, leave me a note here with the location you are interested in and I'll get that to you. IE: the Senator for Iowa, congresscritter for South Boston, etc.
Also, H. R. 1227 was introduced to the House on 2-27-2017.
Introduced by a Republican, endorsed by 2 Dems and another Rep, this bill would REMOVE cannabis from the Controlled Substances Act.

See it, read it, follow it, support it!
Get in touch with yer fed congresspeeples and tell em' to support:

H.R.1227 - To limit the application of Federal laws to the distribution and consumption of marihuana, and for other purposes.

Thanks @olderthandirt !!
Most excellent replies! We now have something to ask for and something to oppose AND how to get in touch with our respective representatives and senators!!
So come on folks, step write up!! Let your voice be heard!
I'm with you 100% he has the power to re enforce federal statutes in the already legal states, he's gotta go.
Well yeah, Sessions needs to be outta there but better still the prohibition needs to be over with.
Indeed that's just it!!
Your post about H. R. 1227 got me to thinking. We should be a clearing house or listing kinda thing where when we find out about proposed legislation that has to do with canna we should list it here so fellow members can contact the representatives and let them know we support or oppose as needed.
Go to Congress.Gov
Do a search by selecting "Current Legislation", this will confine the search to the current, 115th, congress.
Enter the search term "marijuana" or "marihuana", either will work but always try both to be sure.

Interestingly, a search term of cannabis results in, well, no results!

So as of just now:
1. H.R.1227 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Ending Federal Marijuana Prohibition Act of 2017

2. H.R.975 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Respect State Marijuana Laws Act of 2017

3. H.R.331 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
States' Medical Marijuana Property Rights Protection Act

4. H.R.715 — 115th Congress (2017-2018)
Compassionate Access Act

Ya'll can do the same thing with your individual state House and Senate webpages.
As an example, there are currently 64 bills, measures, resolutions wandering the halls of the Oregon legislature just now.

Lots to keep busy with (-:
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